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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Never heard of this dude before, but I’m getting some serious second-hand-catharsis for the public naming-and-shaming Frost gave him on his way out.

I’ve left a couple jobs angry, but always bite my tongue.

It’s soothes my bitter heart to see someone burn the bridge and also take a shit on the ashes.

This seems like nothing news/fake drama to make people think about Deadpool and oh by the way go see that movie in theaters.

According to SteamDB at the time of this writing, the all-time peak player count for Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle: Chomp Champs on PC has yet to reach the game’s 64-player quota. Only 52 players have ever been recorded to be playing the game on Steam simultaneously since its debut


Why would we compare it against an average coder?

ChatGPT wants to be a coding aid/reference material. A better baseline would be the top rated answer for the question on stackoverflow or whether the answer exists on the first 3 Google search results.

released with an MSRP of ¥29,980 in Japan, US$299.99 in the United States, £279.99 in the United Kingdom, and A$469.95 in Australia; with standardized pricing for the European market varying.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Switch#:~:text=The Switch was officially released,for the European market varying.

By that same logic, the customers are also at fault because the requirement has been in the terms of service since day 1.

Not taking sides obviously this sucks, but blaming Arrowhead seems arbitrary.

I think the most likely outcome is one of:

  1. Sony pays to reimburse people who lost access
  2. Sony pays to reimburse anyone who demands a refund
  3. Sony removes the requirement entirely
  4. Nothing happens

edit: #3 it is apparently https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929?t=NhwAEm4fGpVJj-UyI1lrXA

It’s exactly a money thing.

Publishers are usually responsible for all the shit people get angry about, but they’re also footing the bill to build the thing years ahead of time.

Brb. Gonna air gap my home real quick instead of updating windows.

Don’t blame the devs.

It’s the execs and PMs who have other priorities.

You don’t need to go back.

That game falls firmly into the “formative/great for its time” category.

Your memory of it is better than how you’d react to it today, I assure you.

It’s also like the perfect example of a gamepass game.

I loved it for like 3 days and then it ran out of depth and I haven’t touched it since.

The point is this is one sale of many.

Yes, hypothetically the CEO could influence the date an announcement is made for their own personal gain, but it’s not worth it and there will be many more sell events in the future.

Long run, trying to scheme an announcement to gain more at 1/100 sales isn’t worth it.

CEO John Riccitiello shifted 2000 shares last week on 6th September, … part of a trend over the past year where the exec has sold more than 50,000 shares in total and bought none.

This is a drop in his equity bucket and any gains this article implies are due to “insider trading” will disappear in subsequent events.

These stories are so dumb/intentionally misleading/outrage bait.

Executives have predefined stock sale schedules at regular intervals. This allows them to convert their equity to cash and avoid conflicts of interest. That is, it’s hard to gain an advantage over the market when you sell exactly the same amount every month for the next 4 years.

Where was everyone’s outrage the other 99% of times this guy sold exactly the same amount of stock?

I think I’m questioning the size of the market for people who want to play these games on mobile in the first place.

How many casual gamers have a controller adapter for their phone, etc?

Maybe I just lack vision.

This seems like such a small market to me…

Who wants to play these games, hasn’t, doesn’t have access to another console/pc, has a wireless controller, has enough time to actually sit down and play these on their phone, and has their power cord on them (because you know these games will eat that battery alive)?

Maybe this is all setting up to allow iPhones to AirPlay games to an appletv or something.

I played the base game on gamepass a few months ago when I was fiending for an xcom-like.

I wanted to like it more than I actually liked it and uninstalled it after a few hours.

As a different take, I think it’s just an un-fun mechanic that infects an increasing number of what I’d otherwise consider “good” games.

Because the (broad-stroke) economics of it mean that only 1/100 people actually need to engage with loot boxes for the company to see a profit, they’re incentivized to shove that shit in all of our faces constantly even if most of us hate it.

So, “we all have to miss out” is a huge mischaracterization of how I’d react to loot boxes being banned.

There’s a futurama episode like this except it’s an incredibly old man and and an incredibly fat woman who use stem cells to look young/fit again.

When the effects wear off they still get it on. So, maybe the black mirror episode will also have a happy ending too.