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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


Same. If I’m going to have to look at an ass for 40 hours of gameplay, I’d rather it was a woman’s ass.

If so, a perfectly plausible outcome is actually being sentenced to jail

Not in a civil case, as other commenters pointed out. The plausible outcome will be this guy ceasing his business operations and paying Nintendo.

It’s an argument about critical paths in a project. Also, is no-one going to credit “The Mythical Man Month” where this quote comes from?

Video nasty was slang for graphic horror movies, not porn. Not heard anyone say it since the 80s though.

I’d say they must mean PC - It runs fine for me with Yuzu on a good gaming PC using OpenGLSL. It’s locked to 30fps though unless there’s some setting I don’t know about.

It’s so far unplayable for me on the SteamDeck because of the requirement for OpenGLSL - it works, but it runs at about 10fps. Using Vulkan seems to be closer to 30fps on SteamDeck, so I imagine when this is fixed it will be playable on the SD, but that is not the case right now. I’m using the latest pinEApple build.

Oh, only 40-50 hours of entertainment for £3 what a scam!