Reddit refugee looking for a better alternative.

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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I guess I confused the 8bitdo Pro and Ultimate, yeah never meant to imply other controllers from 8bitdo had them.

I was pretty sure the 8bitdo ultimate was supposed to have HE sticks and triggers, not sure if the different models use different sticks but would seem unlikely, but another user mentioned they were indeed different.

King Kong 2 both pro and non-pro have HE sticks and triggers, I’ve got a KK2P and that’s the reason I wanted one. 8bitdo don’t seem to mention it on their website but I remember the release press articles mentioning some recent model coming out with HE sticks, but nothing is mentioned in the product pages.

Fair dues, didn’t pay attention to that distinction. Mb

As I recall they both have hall effect joystick, not sure about the triggers but I know that the KKP2’s triggers are hall effect.

2nded! I really like it as a google alternative for maps and nav.