• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 23, 2023


Not so easy with paper.

I had suggested a metal plate, not paper.

It’s FRAM, which has been around for ages. The problem is its prohibitive cost— hence the 8k.

What’s the practical benefit of that? If the point is long-term storage, rewriting isn’t a priority (or possibly even a need). And this isn’t designed for capacity.

An actual book stores more data than that and for longer. At that point, why not just etch the data onto a metal plate or something? 8K is only a few pages of text at 12pt. It could easily fit onto two sides of a small-ish metal plate, etched in 8pt or so, and it would last, potentially, for millennia.

When Musk does anything it’s controversial and concerning.

This is something Apple has done very well: Rosetta 2 is highly performant. Broadly speaking, there’s very little performance hit when running x64 apps on Apple Silicon. Of course, there hasn’t been x32 support on macOS for years, so I can’t speak to that.

I dunno… I saw another press release that said it only beat the M3 in multi-core by about 8%, which is hardly “blown out of the water”, especially for a 9-month-old processor, and Qualcomm didn’t release single-core benchmarks, probably because they didn’t outperform the M3 at all. And Apple will be announcing the M4 line soon, expected to release Q3 or Q4 2024 for M4/M4 Pro, with Max and Ultra in Q1/2 2025.

But it is, by all measure, a very good competitor to Apple’s M-series chips which have, until now, been unavailable to anyone but them, which is crappy.

Even those who do well in testing of wrote knowledge can perform poorly in practical exercises. That’s why medical doctors have to train and qualify through several years of supervised residency before being allowed to practice even basic medicine.

GPT-4 can’t do even that.

What product? I’m not clicking a YouTube link just to find out the name of the product being reviewed.

Your failure to provide a reliable source for your claims is not my problem.

If you cannot provide a reliable source of your claims, your claim will be dismissed.

I love the whole series. Myst III was great, too, but I think Riven stands out because of the huge leap forward it was from the first Myst. And how fucking HARD it was!

I spent lots of time in Civ VI and Riven. Some in FO4. Also Ultima Underworld II.

There’s also 40 years’ worth of amazing video games to play. Tens of thousands of titles. I’m in no rush to play the latest, especially since they’re overpriced and underdeliver on hardware I definitely can’t afford.

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/27670808 > RocketStar Announces Successful Demonstration of Fusion-Enhanced Pulsed Plasma Electric Propulsion

Oh, well, sure. Maybe. I suppose that depends how far they fall short and how upset the government actually gets about it.

Pretty much. Most likely that they’ll take the money, and come up incredibly short on their promises without any penalty.

I have played Ultima 7 recently. It absolutely did not spoil the memory. In fact, I discovered a lot about the game that I avoided because it simply frustrated me as a kid. A recent play through of that game, plus its addons, Black Gate and Serpent’s Isle, was really awesome. Especially because, with the modern remasters, I was able to play it on a much more stable and high-performance platform than I could afford back in 1992.

All of the Ultima games are available on the GOG store, btw. Cheap.

RealMyst is an improvement over the original for several reasons: performance, slightly improved graphics (everything set to max), and the ability to move freely in 3D rather than being locked to movement nodes. Also, better saving and auto save, and the ability to take screenshots, which is pretty huge when considering how often you get weird clues and codes to doors, puzzles, etc.

Just tell Captain Pike to watch out for those Delta rays!

The bed is entirely empty space, remember.

but they have much larger, heavier engines and drivetrains.

a ford f-150 weighs about 4,500 lbs (minimum). a dodge ram weighs about 4,750 lbs (minimum)-- these are without any outrigging which can almost double the weight.

a corolla and a mini weigh about 3,000 lbs. a ford fiesta weighs about 2,750 lbs.

those are pretty big differences (to start) which can get bigger depending on the configuration of the truck.

if only they used something sensible like nuts and bolts to secure them. something which could be easily unscrewed…

skill? sometimes. the fact that those corollas and mini coopers only weigh a fraction of those huge trucks probably has something to do with it, too…

if you’re wondering who this charity is supporting like I was, they, apparently, haven’t decided yet. but here’s their short list of nominees:

  • Privacy International
  • EPIC
  • Human Rights Foundation
  • Access Now
  • Fight for the Future
  • Tor Project
  • Women Who Code
  • Ranking Digital Rights
  • Qubes OS
  • GrapheneOS


if the punishment for a crime is a fine, it’s only a crime for the poor.

wasn’t there a movie about this being a bad thing? i’m pretty sure there was…

women and minorities who are equally (or sometimes more) qualified regularly get paid less on average than their white male peers. you claim to be unbiased, yet this information is neither new, nor it is uncommon knowledge. still, you continue imply that these people are paid less because they are worth less.

I am, once again, asking you to explain why you believe that’s the case.

You said that people should be paid what they’re worth and then said people with “a vag” or different skin color shouldn’t get more money because of that. It’s well-known that women and minorities get paid significantly less than their white male peers on average.

So, logically, your implication is that women and minorities are paid less because they’re worth less. I’m asking you to explain why you believe that. It’s not that complicated.

Explain why the people you describe are worth less, as you imply.

More like they’d rather have a platform of paying neo-nazi users than paying advertisers.