Effective is doubtful if you ask me, everything he did was based on huge loans and a preparation for war that he solled differently (E.g. massive streets all over the country)
They literally invented their own technology with no benefits over current normal products just to make it hard to replace, louis has two great video about that storage desaster and it’s rediculess! :(
It’s not a new feature, not especially attractive to average joe and I don’t really think average joe even cares about features as long as Youtube, GMail and Google Drive load.
There isn’t enough people who can afford to pay 50$+ a month to watch all of that but people want to watch it so I think you are very wrong there, as soon as the user experience gets awful or expensive enough piracy numbers skyrocket.
You kind of answered your own question, because every movie studio will want a own streaming service and as soon as the total cost is too high people start to pirate in masses again.
I don’t know how many other countries are in a similar situation but in Germany ISPs do it themself and aren’t forced at all…