Excuse me if i say something stupid, i do that a lot.


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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2024


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In February, kingdom come II is releasing. Excited off my fucking rocker, currently trying to 100% the first before 2 releases!

It just scratches my brain to decipher languages, especially since it’s a logographic language. Love those.

And: “GREETINGS STRANGER” “GO UP” (I cheated, i used the wiki :( )

I got into it because i love conlangs, i was not disappointed :D The whole atmosphere and world felt alive and beautiful, too.

They even made the announcement in their language 😂 and clunky games are always the best games anyway :), kingdom come, fnv, outer worlds, boneworks, and to a certain extent, the HL games.

I don't know if this is a good community to post to, but it's a cool game and i want to share it somewhere. I think i heard about this game in a conlang group. I recently played the demo, and it was amazing. The game's idea is pretty novel too. You decipher a logographic language based on context and clues, and you have to manually decipher the words meaning, too; so you could translate it wrong. in the "ME ME TOWER GO PRAISE" box, i'm not sure if the PRAISE hieroglyph is actually correct. I love linguistics, and to see a game made around it is awesome. ![A devotee saying "ME ME TOWER GO PRAISE"](https://files.catbox.moe/ty2b88.png) ![The guard's have their own language!](https://files.catbox.moe/65vibm.png)

How could you improve something that is already perfect?

Anyways, outer worlds is also awesome, still a win