• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 14, 2023


Open sourcing old games is awesome for video game preservation.

Guess I won’t meet the minimum requirements then. Oh well. Plenty of other games on my backlog.

Outer Wilds, and its expansion, is one of the most innovative and interesting games I’ve played. Made by students!

I found “Journey” to be very emotional at the end. Also, although it’s real slow and not everyone’s cup of tea, “Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture”

NORCO is the best old-school point and click adventure I played recently. Great pixel art. Great writing.

Oldest game I remember playing (when it was new) was Lemmings on the Macintosh. Early 1990s. I can still hear the tunes.

Having been through all this, I would most of all prioritize getting a permanent residence permit. This brings stability, and then you can decide whether to work in games (more fun) or elsewhere in tech (higher pay). Having been in both industries for a long time, I can tell you you’ll always wonder if the grass is greener on the other side. But at least you’ll have options. If a tech company gets you to permanent residence quicker, go for it.

John lists some great looking games I hadn't heard of before, like Gravity Circuit

Many good ones here already. Another memorable one for me is Metal Gear Solid 3.

I encountered a settlement on Prestige 15 or so which had a base hostility at level 2… and a ~15% chance of villagers dying every couple of seconds starting at hostility level 2 during the storm, mitigated by access to services. First storm wiped out my town before I could really address anything 💀

Edit: But having played quite a bit this was a rare combination of bad effects

Some towns are just going to fail if you’re unlucky… But you can set yourself up for success by learning which Services buildings to pick. Some like the Temple (reduces hostility) and the Guild House (increases resolve every time you buy/sell) can be instrumental to surviving harder difficulties.

This is an excellent game. The most fun I’ve had with a citybuilder since Frostpunk. There’s a bit of a learning curve in the beginning, but give it a shot.

I enjoyed Alan Wake 2, but there’s a lot of creepiness and jump scares. Way more than the first game. Wouldn’t recommend it to anyone unduly unnerved by horror.

New OLED screen. New APU. And lots of small hardware improvements.

No, I’ve never tried that plugin, or any modding really. I just play vanilla Rocksmith 2014 with the ASIO plugin.

My Scarlett 2i2 works perfectly with RS_ASIO.