Former Reddfugee, found a new home on Server errors made me switch to Now finally @ home on
Likes music, tech, programming, board games and video games. Oh… and coffee, lots of coffee!
I � Unicode!
Surface are basically a tablet (=all hardware and weight in the monitor). You can get them with a cover that contains a keyboard but it is still top heavy (think of a normal cover for a tablet, but slightly more sturdy because of the keyboard).
There’s also a surface book that more or lees is like a laptop - from the looks of it. The bottom part with the keyboard is heavier, but only contains the keyboard, an USB hub and additional batteries. It’s till top heavy with it, as you can “detach the screen” and still have a fully functional “PC tablet”.
In the end it’s about money. If one had to pay for environmentally damages (e.g. a new tax on $energyUnit, $resourceUnit,…) and you’d not only pay for the resources + some markup for the producing company and just external externalize the “worth” of the damages (read: the taxpayer,…), then it’s cheaper to use these services instead of humans.
It’s encrypted anonymous communication capabilities.
Unless you enable it for every single chat (and IIRC only available for chats with only two persons, not group chats) there’s no encryption. Or did they change that? The only encryption that applies to most chats on that platform should be transport encryption via TLS.
In most jurisdictions this project wouldn’t have any problem, when it’s a “clean room” implementation - meaning they figured out by themselves how the server works.
Several jurisdictions even allow reverse engineering and such to ensure compatibility / supporting an product that hasn’t any official support anymore.
Others simply don’t care.
It’s all in the details, but they might not get sued that easily.
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