I read that pairdrop.net was 👍 too.
I viewed “let’s play” series of Alan Wake 1 and 2. Just wanna share my thoughts re AW2. There are spoilers below.
So much reading. Yes, you can skip a lot of those. Yes, the title is Alan Wake 2 and Wake is a writer. But a gamer who very much dislikes reading may be turned off or think “I may be missing much by skipping most of the reading, so I’ll drop this game.”
It seems Alice is alive. So she’s been living sans Alan for 13 years minimum. Extremely :(. I wanted a :) end for them. I can imagine an AW2 where the year is 2013 instead of 2023, and Alan was able to escape the “dark place” in 2013 and live with Alice happily. The writer (I dislike Sam Lake’s writing so I’m not saying Sam Lake) can figure out the plot gymnastics in between to make the game so interesting.
Scratch slew Jaakko Koskela so easyyy. So powerful. He could just slay Anderson, Casey, Cult of the tree and the Fbc at the start.
The Fbc’s light arrays placed far from each other outside the sheriff’s station were plot convenience.
Anderson aided Wake with writing the end despite Wake inserting Logan and David in the tale. 😑
Sarah and Barry were sidelined. :(
Sam Lake most likely disliked a fairy-tale :) end for AW2 but don’t say that in horror, the hero must pay a price to save his pals (or something like that) like it’s a rule.
It’s time.com’s best 2023 game but it’s 👎 for me.
Been using Samsung messages for years, not Google messages, but I just wanna comment.
I’m OK with it. It’s been an ai race. It’s natural that Google is taking advantage of the millions of Android phones and of the fact that many are using Google messages and Gmail.
Adding Gemini to Google messages is sensible to me. I just hope it won’t be annoying.
Gmail has been my main email but I didn’t see Gemini in it. Maybe in the future?
When I wanted to install Revanced extended on my Samsung a70, there were the easy way (which didn’t involve Termux) and the kinda hard way (which involved Termux). I’m not an Android expert but I thought I would be able to follow a well-written process. So I chose the kinda hard way. It went well. I appreciated Termux.
The S23+ is my dream. Big screen and flagship Snapdragon. The S23 ultra is overkill for me. Of course, if 1 needs the features that only the Ultra has, he should buy the Ultra.
I’m excited re the upcoming big phones but I won’t be :o if the S24 ultra will be the best big phone of 2024. It seems Samsung knows how to make 👍 big phones.
No ads on my Samsung a70 but there are preinstalled 3rd-party apps. I just disabled those that I haven’t needed.
There are some Samsung apps that I haven’t needed like Radio and Tips. There’s a not-so-easy way to remove those. But those never annoyed me so I won’t bother to remove those.
The Pixel 7 pro is 👍. No ads. Are there preinstalled 3rd-party apps like Facebook or Spotify?
It’s 👍 that tester1121 isn’t focused on Pixel and considers other phones. But if his Pixel 6 pro is still 👍, I suggest using it for minimum 2 more years. If he needs to replace it now, I suggest the Pixel 8. USD 641 on Amazon.
I dunno if this is a hot take. I don’t focus on updates. Major software updates generally have new features. Minor software updates are generally security updates or bug fixes. It’s OK for me if the device is in its last lap update-wise. It’s not like it’ll be unusable if there’s no major update anymore. Buy a device for what it is now. If it’ll get 4 major updates, that’s a bonus, not a hard requirement when buying a device.
Ublock origin – best ad blocker
Aside from Firefox + Ublock origin, I have Firefox focus. Its ad blocker has let thru disappointingly many ads.