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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Apr 07, 2024


I adored these games! As Raziel, you have the ability to switch between the physical and supernatural planes. While in the supernatural plane, physical properties such as gravity, speed, and inertia work completely differently. You need to platform, fight, and solve puzzles using this mechanic to collect souls for the Elder God. The dark and twisted story is engaging and fun. Highly recommend!

I only pulled it off with three lives once. It was an endeavor.




Chattel slavery is different than indentured servitude. There is no ownership of the indentured servant, but they are forced to work against their will. This is the slavery found in Xinjiang, as well as the US penal system.

Slave labor will undercut fair wages every time. The point of the tariffs is to prevent China from setting the expected price of EVs to be too low for fair wage companies to compete, and defining a slave labor standard for the industry.

Despite what many commenters say, this is a good thing.

I go the other way. When AA/AAA batteries are too weak for high drain devices, I save them for my remote controls. They usually last for months due to the intermittent use and low wattage.

It depends on the content.

Graphics mode for single player PvE, Performance Mode for that 120 Hz refresh rate in PvP.

I’m not suggesting it will replace humans in likeness. I was wrong to say you underestimate AI’s potential. You overestimate the amount of interpersonal skill needed in many jobs. AI’s potential lies in replacing a large swath of industrial and logistics positions when utilized in specialized robotics. The logistics projects that are less than a year old are already meeting or exceeding expectations. As the technology advances, implementation costs come down, and more jobs will be lost.

I’m not against the technology. I just think we should be realistic about its ability to change the labor market, especially with wealthy corporations flooding the field with investments.

You underestimate the rate of technological advancement. “As we have them” is fleeting. Any well programmed AI will be better tomorrow than it was yesterday provided it has been utilized.

Exactly. It took until September for the democrats to have majority. They started pushing for it in October. Republican Brendan Carr went to great lengths to oppose the restoration, slowing progress for six months.


Oh, and fuck Ajit Pai and his orange overseer for repealing it in the first place.

By “on the clock” I mean during compensated scheduled working hours. It does not matter if you are an hourly or salaried employee. They were removed and charged with trespassing after multiple warnings from security, and warned in advance of the policy violation of the protest according to this employee interview.

You are protected by law if protesting working conditions or compensation during scheduled working hours. If you protesting anything else, it can be done during free time in a public space without employer retaliation.

I have been part of many protests, and am in complete support of them. The most important thing when organizing a protest is knowing your rights so you can keep the law on your side.

Your last sentence is correct. A strike against workplace conditions or compensation is protected. This was neither. Refusal to work while on the clock is grounds for termination as well as disqualification for unemployment benefits. There needs to be acknowledgment by the employee that they are refusing to work, and that the result of continued action would be grounds for termination. It does not need to continue for nine hours, and is a different termination reason than job abandonment.

I’m 100% behind protesting, but you need to know how to keep the law on your side.

Thanks. Interesting read. The employee stated that they were warned several times about pending arrest and violation of workplace behavior. I respect their commitment to their cause, but it was under full understanding that they were arrested and subsequently terminated.

I’ve read two articles, but neither of them had that interview. Got a link?

I agree that it hurts the company more. Unfortunately, then they can legally terminate you for refusal to work. Even worse, you won’t even be eligible for unemployment after hearing.

It would be legally protected if they were protesting compensation or working conditions, or if they organized their concerns through a union representative.

I completely support their right to protest, having attended many myself, as does the constitution. However, they were on the clock and on private property. They should have organized a protest outside, during off hours, if they wanted to protect their jobs. Circulating a petition wouldn’t have been a bad idea either.

Edit: OP shared this interview in a thread further down. It’s a first-hand account from a former employee. The employee stated that they were warned several times about pending arrest and violation of workplace behavior. I respect their commitment to their cause, but it was with full understanding that they were arrested and subsequently terminated.

Fair point. It’s also too new for us to truly gauge its success. I guess we’ll know in six months.

Many of them tend to hold for weeks or months. They’re not day trading. “Just a little light insider trading” while overseeing the industries they buy and sell.

I’m guessing with a three day dump estimate? Thermal throttling on SD cards is brutal.

Ha, ho, hiya, ha, ho… listen