Formerly know as u/Arjab. Anarchist | Antifascist | Anticapitalist. Arch Linux | FOSS | Piracy | Security & Privacy
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This is also true for DivestOS as a whole.
And now do it without Google.
Neo Launcher is pretty nice!
It’s simply a risk. Android is designed how it is for a purpose.
I still use a custom ROM, GrapheneOS - which also strongly recommends not to root your device!
I wouldn’t say that GrapheneOS isn’t ready for daily use just because you have some issues. It’s a mature project with decent support for only a couple of devices and a lot of people use it on a daily basis without issues.
Don’t use the Beta channel and expect everything to work.
I don’t use Google at all but theoretically everything should work with the sandboxed Google services.
And I did use Nova Launcher and it’s working without an issue. Importing a profile should also work.
This is also true for DivestOS as a whole.