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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


Windows 8 is actually great. It’s the last efficient OS from Microsoft. I mean, you can actually be surfing on the internet and have 4 GBs of RAM and you’re actually having a good time? By good I mean like 2.5 GB used with the browser open.

Well apparently you could before windows 10, or there’s something wrong with my laptop but it’s always chuggin along after boot at like 3.25 Gb used easy.

Maybe it’s because all the fancy x86 emulation it does is actually pretty RAM hungry too. Oh well.

(It’s a Samsung Galaxy book go. They’re dirt cheap! And I actually quite like it, it’s been my main computer for a few years now actually. )

Usually it edits the hosts file and it usually takes a reboot for it to take effect

I use it without root and it’s fine. Not perfect, but at least you can disable it if you have to without rebooting your phone

Yeah, I was REALLY pissed off that the guy sold his app to this shitty company. Now this. I didn’t use the simple apps but I’ve heard of them since I was a pretty big f droid user.

They must give a lot of money to devs in exchange for ruining their work lol

Same shit company bought the pixel minimal watch face, and they’re now charging like 18$ PER WEEK for premium features.

I had already bought it thankfully and I kept my premium status but still. I was not happy

Indeed. Canada is wrong about a few things, but this ain’t one of them.