This is all software, companies keep finding excuses to tack on “features” that increase development cost which eventually lead to necessary price increases.
In the professional world you will rarely ever hear project managers and leaders ask the question “would our customers rather pay extra for feature X or save money by sticking to their simpler feature set?” This is because development is nearly always started with the long term goal of incorporating a feature into the product to increase the overall “value” of the product. This increased “value” of the product then means that the company should charge more for it.
I am ranting now.
A natural monopoly is when an industry is difficult to break into, making competition difficult or impossible. This favors incumbents, in fact, a lot of industries are natural monopolies (pharma, aerospace, chip production).
The difficulty of breaking into an industry may be because:
That sounds like an entirely different issue. For a service that provides free online play, Steam is superior to the alternatives on PC. It has built in community forums, a group and chat service that rivals Discord, a large user base, and an easy to use storefront. Whether or not it’s a closed system is tangential to the argument that it is a free platform.
GustavoM your name sounds familiar, did you play Planetside? I was (technically still am) in one of the leetfits and we would have some of the aim gods try to share their knowledge and it boiled down to something similar. Don’t tense your hand (click to fire naturally tenses your hand so you have to learn to reduce that), prioritize a relaxed posture, and learn your mouse grip (try them all out!). I’ve heard OSU is very good for those that want to improve their hand eye coordination (and get comfortable with their mouse). I’ve also heard of using spacebar to shoot but only when you want to isolate aim from shooting. But you should train both together as well.