Just a geek, finding my way in the fediverse.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I replayed it on Deck a month or two back… And then Blue Shift. Still in my library from when I bought the Orange Box pre steam and then eventually registered it with my steam account

Last time I had free time and was looking for a new game someone told me “Get Control. Just get it. Trust me.”

My trust was not misplaced. It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played.

Edit: Later I tried AW1 and didn’t really care for it much (mostly because i sucked really bad at it) until I started using “all guns” cheats so I could play it like a horror/action. Then I enjoyed it.

Just keep in mind that if you’re sensitive to PWM then you won’t be playing the OLED as a handheld : (

Still works fine when attached to a tv, it’s just not a handheld/portable anymore.

I should note that I love my deck, I’m just very sad that I can’t play it as a portable.

It’s just for … turning off the flashy lights.

This right here. But the software is garbage and I’d prefer they didn’t include the disco lights at all. Maybe that’s a way to improve profits?

You might be amazed at the stupid tasks that I, a salaried developer, have been given.

I was going to make a remark about the price of dirt, then I remembered buying non-clay soil for the garden. In retrospect, it’s cheaper than dirt.

I dropped Whatsapp for Signal the day after Facebook bought it. Told my friends who use it that is just a matter of time before they wreck it and exploit it for targeted ad purposes.

Took them a little longer than expected but they announced a couple of years later that they were researching how to do it. And, of course, they cross link your Facebook data and WhatsApp data.

Lots of articles out there on the topic but here’s an excerpt from 2021:

Earlier this morning, Facebook confirmed to The Information that it is developing a team that includes former Microsoft AI researchers and cryptographers to find new ways to collect data from encrypted sources such as WhatsApp–without technically having to decrypt the information.

Facebook can go fuck a duck and I’d never trust anything they’ve touched

I tried to recover my Mojang account and migrate it three times. Each attempt gets a stock response asking for certain info (receipt, email, username). When I provide this, I get a response from a different support user asking for the same thing I just provided. After three to five back and forths (with the same questions and the same answers) I get busy, frustrated, and leave it for a few weeks.

Once I have time, I start over and the exact same thing repeats again.

I wrote it off as a loss last year with an asterisk of “another reason to fucking hate Microsoft”