I think I speak for most people when I say that I’m a good representative of the general population.

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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2020


I got the first one a year or two after it came out and I remember I really enjoyed it. I think once I got the jacks I barely needed any other weapon.

Trump’s picks aren’t going to help make things better, but there has never been a time when our government would impose real consequences on a billionaire.

I misread that as Radeon 9700 for a second and thought I had jumped back in time twenty years.

I barely remember this anymore but the downgrade had certain things deactivated. Something like my card had four “pipelines” and the high-end one had eight, so a minor hardware modification could reactivate them. It was risky though, because often imperfections came out of the manufacturing process, and then they would just deactivate the problem areas and turn it into a lower-end version.

After a little while, someone put out drivers that could simulate the modification without physically touching the card. You’d read about softmod and hardmod for the lower-end radeon cards.

I used the softmod and 90% of the time it worked perfectly, but there was definitely an issue where some textures in certain games would have weird artifacting in a checkerboard pattern. If I disabled the softmod the artifacting wouldn’t happen.

I swear even the time I finally won I successfully clawed at Scar’s face over a thousand times before I realized you just throw him off the cliff.

Same here, played it about a month ago, fun idea at its core that’s executed extremely well, very memorable. Unfortunately it’s very short, probably around ten hours for me to complete everything, but it have might gotten stale if it went on too far beyond that without significant gameplay alterations. Probably like 70-80% a puzzle game, 20-30% action. My only complaint is that I don’t really like hearing all the terrified screams, but I’m not sure those could be removed without destroying the immersion.

Different genre, but another indie game I want to mention is Eastward, which is actually something I tried playing after seeing a poster here on lemmy give glowing praise just a week or two after it came out. I think it’s the best pixel art I’ve ever seen. The dialogue and story are wonderful overall, heartwarming at times and creepy at others. The charcters have personality. Overall the appeal for me is that there’s a lot of emotion packed into every aspect of the game.

I think the gameplay is fun, but that’s not the reason the game is memorable and the main complaint people have is that there are many long stretches that are just building atmosphere with minimal gameplay. I didn’t mind that at all, but I was disappointed with how much of the story was up for inperpretation after beating it. I spent most of the game excited to see how the loose ends and parts of the story I didn’t get would be tied together, so it was a let-down when the game ended and most of those questions just weren’t answered.

If it’s MY car why would adverts be in it?

Because you’re too poor to afford the monthly payment on the ad-free model.

Yeah I would totally agree with this if the word wasn’t already desensitized a very long time ago. The language has changed. (I’m assuming people were ever differentiating, I don’t really know/remember the history.) Colloquially it means interested in teens unless it’s clarified to be worse than that.

I recommend not trying to make this argument, anywhere. It will not change the way people use words, even if it could there would not be a point (attraction to pre-teens is so egregious that it will always be clarified), and a lot of people will assume that someone who doesn’t accept the colloquial usage is themselves interested in teens and in denial about how the public actually views that to the point where they think only interest in prepubescent children is problematic and handwave everything else away as a language issue.

Tony’s great. He does a thing he calls “Detroit style stuffed pizza” which does not really seem to be a Detroit style pizza at all but it’s fantastic nonetheless.

A lot of people like his sandwiches and visually they look very appetizing, but for whatever reason they don’t hit the spot for me. His pizzas are spectacular, and good breadsticks and wings too.

I don’t read five star reviews ever anymore. If I want to find a believable endorsement of a product, I’ll look for a four-star review that contains a criticism that isn’t that bothersome to me personally, but legitimate enough that I can imagine a customer who would be deterred by it.

We moved a year ago, and I found my favorite pizza guy, Tony, by maybe the most convincing online review I’ve ever read. The most recent review on google maps was a one-star that was basically like “I met Tony and he casually used foul language etc etc there is no need for profanity etc pizza was some of the best I’ve ever had though”

Somewhere in here there’s a joke about the cocaine laced with fentanyl that I keep getting told is a massive problem that requires more police funding to deal with.

The feds can’t imprison me for making cocaine “too entertaining”!