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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 06, 2023


once mecha break comes out next year, mecha break. its waay more fun and teamplay is just as important if not moreso.

yeah ive had one that as strict about it before … they can be used as tiny wireless remote recording devices , so in places where secrecy is important Bluetooth is no good.

Also hackers have demonstrated the ability to gain remote access to a device through overpowering a bluetooth signal from as far as a kilometer away using a radio apparently.

games suck with bluetooth headphones due to latency, many workplaces outright ban even carrying them, and you cant charge and use wired at the same time without at least 2 ports. Some wired headphones are cheap, like 5 bucks even. Also you need to charge BT headphones, and some people have expensive 300 dollar plus headphones that are made obselete by not having a headphone jack.

I started making one but never finished it lol. otherwise not rlly, tho im sure theres some out there

If youre adhd try gamifying aspects of your life.