Big Duck Energy


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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


My favorites from a mechanical standpoint are typically 3rd person shooters or action games. Games with perspective like the Arkham Games or the Resident Evil remakes.

As for genre, that’s a tough call. It’s easier to say what I don’t like. I don’t typically like jrpgs or anything with an anine art esthetics, although there’s a lot of exceptions.

I also like old-style 2D Zelda games and those like them. Also twin stick shooters.

As for the settings, I like a good horror over pretty much anything else.

I like my games to have a story. I can enjoy any game mechanic if the story is good enough.

A lot of people are fresh off of Reddit and are looking for an exact clone of Reddit, which is fair enough. They don’t understand Federation and think Lemmy needs to stop doing it, lol. Like, Squables is that way - - - >


Man, I hope that doesn’t catch on.

How did you pick between Coke and Pepsi? You picked the one you liked. Choice is a good thing, I think you’re making this harder than it needs to be.