Problem I have with calling this a feudal arrangement is a lot of serfs actually had family rights to their land/means of production under land tenure agreements. It’s more the notion of private ownership of land and production that has led to these private technology increasingly mediating more of our lives. I’ve seen the concept of technofeudalism used in good ways but the overall thing is capitalism and they are more elements of feudal type arrangement within that.
Lua is so friendly, I’ve run in to it in a few instances in different contexts. Currently have a “sound computer” shield for rpi that uses Lua to run community scripts, which turn the thing in to anything from synths to sequencers to loopers and some really esoteric stuff. Lua is so intuitive I’m able to tweak stuff and even add functionality to existing scripts without much effort.
Source engine is just so clean looking that the graphics can hold up, the geometry is all crisp and clean but lighting effects hadn’t really developed beyond bloom at that point. Almost like minimalist graphics, in some ways I even prefer that. The game feels so light and free and all the art design is perfect for it.
Half Life 2
Next level physics and graphics, immersive and deep storyline, delivered on the hype.
Battlezone (1998)
Fast paced first person RTS, utilized new texture resolution capabilities with actual NASA satellite photos of planet/moon textures. Cold War in space storyline was an amazing concept. The commands for managing everything was so quick and engaging.
Same reasons as everyone else it was just a great all around game.
Honorable mention: Bioshock, Super Metroid, Super Mario World, Freespace 2, Fallout NV, The Neverhood, Cities Skylines, Crysis.
Chances are your pants are not as fancy as the pair
Of very fancy pants that Mr. Fancy Pants will wear
When everybody’s marching in the fancy pants parade
He’s gonna pass the test, he’s gonna be the best
The best in terms of pants