
For all your owl related needs!

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


You seem to have some particular privacy concerns that I’m not totally in the know about, but if it being an app isn’t a requirement, I’ve used photojoiner.com with great success and no obnoxious stuff to my knowledge.

They do have an app, but I’m not sure it will meet your privacy requirements.

You sound like someone who has a pretty locked down browser, so all it should get is what you supply, but if you want to keep it locally, I don’t imagine this would help you, but if it’s not the photos but rather your other data and location you wish to protect, this may work.

Again, I’m not hardcore into data privacy, so I may be off on what you need.

Sometimes that’s all you can do!

Screw telecoms for letting all this crap continue.

Greetings, friend. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you’ve got the power inside you right now. Use it, and send one dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don’t delay. Eternal happiness is only a dollar away.

(Sorry for your inconvenience, but this is all I can think of now. 😆)

This game sounds crazy!

I’m not much of a gamer, but I got Yakuza 0 to kill time at the start of Covid and was instantly hooked. I’ve played all but the 2nd Judgment and Gaiden now and loved them all.

This seems to have a bunch of new game mechanics that should make it feel fresh, and after being sceptical of Like A Dragon and then being blown away by it, I have no doubt this will be awesome as well!

Glad I’m not alone in this, I thought I must be exaggerating. I switched from a Galaxy S8 to a Pixel 7 and it seems years behind.

I post things here every day about owls, and half the time it switches it to “iwl” or “iwls” and the there/their/they’re selection seems bad.