UI dev here. To add to this, good use of “negative space / white apace” is also beneficial in signalling abundance. The more negative space you can afford to “waste”, the more resources you signal to have.
Luxury brand ads are good examples. Compare this Citizen Watch ad (https://images.app.goo.gl/mALYonDz6qzKJjuJ6) to this (https://images.app.goo.gl/sTXzyrFXNDUxR8AR9)
My experience is directly the opposite. Bought an iPhone 12 Mini after Pixel 3XL died. Granted, I was already using a Macbook for a long time. Lotta things I’d been trying to get working, using things like KDE Connect instantly became automatic.
I’ve seen people actually get job done on phones, but that’s never been the case to me. To me the phone should ideally be an extension of my desktop. I’d been doing that with Chrome+Pixel for a while. But iPhone unlocked much more of macOS for me