• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Section 230 is good overall I think it just shouldn’t apply to anything sorted by engagement or not clearly defined and auditable. Section 230 makes sense for Craigslist but not for Facebook/Twitter. If a site has a “suggested posts” section or “you may like” feature they should be treated as publishers and not protected.

It does. I have an old Verizon phone as the white noise player / HA control in my kids bedroom. You will have all the bloat and whatever other services they install in there too though.

How is this different from the rom I have backed up? Is it a standalone program and doesn’t require emulation? Is that why it’s an executable?

I disagree about the UX but that is probably just my preference. I use Facebook marketplace sometimes and it seems fully functional, no jumping around or whatever. Every now and then I have to use desktop mode but only on like government sites. Maybe it’s because I use an ad blocker that I don’t notice the problems you report.

  1. Jerboa
  2. Firefox
  3. Feedly
  4. Home Assistant
  5. Ghost Commander
  6. Joplin
  7. Moon+ Reader Pro
  8. Avenza
  9. Kodi
  10. Twilight

Honorable mentions to Newpipe and Termux.

Can’t you export your library / media settings and only have to change file paths or mnt points?

I’m adding debian to the drive on a ten plus year old laptop as we speak. It’s taking forever because I have to do part of it manually but usually it takes less than an hour and is mostly idiot proof (my current project is on its 3rd week so I am just a special kind of idiot) but a small lightweight distro alongside the windows partition is an easy way to give old hardware new life without migrating data.

I think you need to do some more reading. But you’ll do fastboot unlock ( enable unlock in developer settings) then adb to install your recovery (twrp or whatever for that version) then flash your rom.

Beeper Mini is down
Well it was a fun few days but beeper mini is down. Someone supposedly affiliated with the project said on reddit it was on Beeper's end but people testing it say Apple has blocked something.

I’m glad to have read this. I’ve been really curious about that line of readers.

For whatever reason maps is my go to search when using Google. I often just want a bar or restaurant website without dealing with Google search and maps is much faster