It’s really not that difficult to go through these games with minimal guide use. If you’re looking to 100% them, then yes, a guide is essential to use. And you always have summoning in boss battles, and ER added npc summons too. Once you just embrace the games with an open mind , they become more enjoyable.
I am actually a PC gamer. I have been wanting to get a ps5 controller for a while now but not willing to pay the price. I have looked at third party controllers like the gulikit King Kong 2 pro. But from what I’ve seen, most of the controllers are in the Xbox layout (the joysticks are off set) and I prefer the Playstation layout.
This is awesome, but makes me salty. When I first heard about them I was stoked and wanted one. But at the time they weren’t selling in the US. I needed a new phone so I caved and went with Samsung for the s23. And recently they announced they’d be selling to the US. This is great but hind sight is 20/20…
The story is much better told through Vaati’s words. And his voice is very soothing to listen to.