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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 05, 2023


Good summary. Basically microsoft and nvidia are the ones selling shovels in this gold rush. (Especially the greens)

I came from windows to fedora kde, no regrets so far!! Though for gaming maybe nobara is better as it comes with some stuff preinstalled/configured for gaming. I haven’t really gamed on my laptop yet.

I mean if you trace it back far enough, the engines used are in fact forks of the quake engine (IdTech 2). I’m sure there’s some simple system somewhere that’s still the same in all engines all these years later

It’s kind of awesome to think every call of duty game, valve game and Id software game still all use an engine that originated from quake!

it has been actually good gameplay, but because EA owns the exclusive licences for pretty every club, player and league, konami can’t really do anything to make it better.

It’s games like the original baldur’s gate and stuff. I think a clear defining thing is that you have a zoomed out perspective and you click where to move

Seems like a pretty good bundle. And the worst games are in the most expensive tier so it’s cheap too.

Open-source software (OSS) is computer software that is released under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to use, study, change, and distribute the software and its source code to anyone and for any purpose. from Wikipedia

The same article also talks about the difference between open source and source available:

Although the OSI definition of “open-source software” is widely accepted, a small number of people and organizations use the term to refer to software where the source is available for viewing, but which may not legally be modified or redistributed. Such software is more often referred to as source-available, or as shared source, a term coined by Microsoft in 2001

Open source has always meant under a free license. Being able to fork and publish your own versions is integral to the open source philosophy.