Skyrim will always hold a special place in my heart, it’s almost like a simpler time.
Starfield damaged Bethesda for me though. To spend 25 years on it in total and for it to be as it released was very disappointing. I mean basics like no city maps or land vehicles? Every base you come across having the same bodies in the same place with the same loot? I want to love it, they can do things I can’t even imagine (I can’t program Jack shit) but for that to be the end point of their decades of labour just doesn’t add up for me.
Fair enough, I couldn’t find any reference one way or the other except for presumption of the humans by humans part.
Though Ciri does show a way to be a female Witcher trainee with no signs but her own powers. Maybe you could choose a Lodge sorceress, an elven rogue style, a dwarven warrior or Witcher so they have their own weapons and skills etc.
I’m just spitballing here but as long as the game is well crafted and has Marcin Przybyłowicz do the music I am sold!
With any luck there will be some sort of character creation that is fully voiced. Maybe even allowed to choose an elf or dwarf, AFAIK there’s no mention that it’s a human exclusive genetic manipulation.
But I’d be happy with a straight male/female choice like Mass Effect or Cyberpunk or AC Valhalla where they are customisable but still voiced.
Or give me one character but make them compelling. Difficult thing will be they will always be compared to Geraldo
Good footwork but I’d like to see this angle used more in football, a long distance screamer would look glorious.