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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Windows licensing doesn’t have enforcement. If there weren’t police plenty of people would drive without a license.


Checks comments

User posted in Piracy 30 minutes ago


You probably shouldn’t be storing your passwords and 2FA in the same place.

I mean even ignoring the philanthropic take, it’s just straight up worth my time to pay for the services. It’d be stupid not to.

An hour of my work time in a month pays for Max, Spotify, Hulu (with ads), Netflix, and YouTube. I’d be spending more time than an hour to go through other methods.

And to put it in perspective I’m only in the top 20% of US households. Tens of millions of Americans are making this call even easier than I am. There’s definitely a wage gap forming and it’s interesting to see streaming be at the forefront of it.

Where you look, what you look at, how long you look, and where you click tap.

EME for the rest of the internet, not just video. Basically doing what hulu does to stop screen recording/as blocking but across every webpage

“Lack of moderation/failure to moderate”. The admins have banned plenty of subs for it in the past, replacing the mods is actually a measured approach for them.

If only the FTC didn’t sit on its ass for the last 40 years

That’s more on the money than you think. Microsoft mostly won because the FTC didn’t clamp down on Sony being anticompetitive which “forced” Microsoft to make these acquisitions. This situation is bad, but the alternative with Sony exclusivity deals all over the place was worse.