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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 18, 2023


Download Firefox. Look up “ublock origin firefox” in search engine of choice. Click install. Done!

It’s that easy…

The main problem with stadia was Google. I knew it was doomed from the start and that’s why I never bothered with it. I actually know a lot of people that didn’t bother with it because it was from Google. It’s basically a self fulfilling prophecy at this point that most of their shit ends up on the Google graveyard.

A lot of people actually don’t trust Google anymore since they’ve already been screwed over many times by them.

It’s worse. They’re not even apologizing for their actions but the “confusion and angst”.

It’s kind of like saying “we’re sorry you feel that way” and are somehow misunderstanding what they’re trying to do. They might as well have said, sorry dumbasses but it’s going to happen regardless. Perhaps in some watered down form, perhaps not this/next year, but it will happen.

It’s not a brag, period. Not having a buttload of bugs should be the bare minimum every game should strive for. It’s like saying “we sell the least rotten food in town”.

Its pretty sad that we’ve gone from “most epic adventure” and “largest open world you’ve seen” to “least buggiest game”

Nonetheless, I’ve enjoyed most Bethesda games and I have gamepass on pc and will definitely try the game.