I like to pop in every time they drop an expedition. Those let you speedrun the game and get reacquainted with it with not much effort. You also get introduced to whatever new thing they added. It’s a bit like playing ARK on a 20x resources 20x taming server so you can just play the game without so much grind.
Duskers. A game that seems to be inspired heavily by the aesthetics of the first Alien movie. Instead of one terrifying xenomorph, there are four (?) different kinds all working independently to exterminate humanity. You’re at the point in the story where they’ve basically succeeded, and you’re trying to figure out what the heck happened. You get to do some basic scripting as well!
I wasn’t trying to disable it. I wanted to move it off my puny OS drive SSD to a huge spin drive. It fought me tooth and nail even though it has a move button. I tried many ways including regedit until I finally gave up and turned it off.
The worst part was when I was trying to manually copy the files and it kept telling me I needed do purchase more cloud storage – to do a local file copy!
I concluded this obstinance was by design to sell more product. Especially after using Steam to shuffle some of my games around later that same day. Their software is wonderful now!
Xcom 2: War of the Chosen
This is, I believe, the last entry in the series. DLC is confusing, but I feel like WotC fundamentally changed things in ways I enjoyed. It added a captain system similar to Shadow of Mordor and has half the main characters from ST:TNG doing the voice acting. I started this series at the very beginning (90’s? Early 2000’s?) and can recommend only the first and second games. However, consider their age and thus I probably enjoy those old ones out of nostalgia.