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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Weird completely unrelated question. Do you have any idea why you write “Anyway” as “Anyways”?

It’s not just you, it’s a lot of people, but unlike most grammar/word modifications it doesn’t really make sense to me. Most of the time the modification shortens the word in some way rather than lengthening it. I could be wrong, but I don’t remember people writing or saying “anyway” with an added “s” in anyway but ironically 10-15 years ago, and I’m curious where it may be coming from.

That’s highly debatable. Maybe not for the specific reason being discussed, but Valve, and by extension Gabe, IS complicit in stuff like CS:GO gambling which preys on the underaged and and vulnerable.

My Fairphone 5 had it in Android 13 and my Zenfone 6 had it in Android 12.

I would have to disagree for the city and state that I live in. Google Maps is much more accurate and up to date than OSM and the directions are better too. Not to mention sometimes knowing to route around construction and whatnot. OSM and whether it’s better than Google Maps seems to be very region dependent.

I contribute when and where I can but there isn’t a huge user base here.

My brother in Christ and all his disciples, can we just go back to the quick settings from Android 11 that is accessible when holding and using the phone with one hand and has more than 4 options? Or, and I know this sounds CRAZY, give users a choice? If you are going to harp on Apple about locking their ecosystem down, then when you introduce new methods of navigation keep some way of going back to the old way.

I can even do this in the shit box that is Windows 11. I finally had to use and interact with it for the first time this week, and with the installation of two programs I was able to get the start menu, taskbar, and right click menu back to the way I want. Even installing Lineage OS on my phone can’t get me back to the old quick settings tiles as far as I am aware of.

But they will still be blocking rooted users or users of alternative operating systems from using RCS, all while they complain about how Apple should implement RCS.

Chiming in to echo others with my experience in my current job I had three interviews (that I remember, but I think it might have actually been four). The interviews that I remember in order were HR, engineering management, the rest of the engineering team. The HR interview was by phone and mostly to validate that we were on the same page as far as things like pay, qualifications, job description, etc. The second interview was with engineering management and done via Teams with video. The third was in person and in addition to another brief talk with engineering management they also showed me where I would be working and had me talk to various people on my current team to see how they liked me.

It has pros and cons. The biggest con I think is having HR and ATS at the front of the process as there are likely really good candidates that are filtered out as a result of not being able to balance their resume in such a way that both HR and Engineering sees their value.

I think the fact that no other app can do RCS messages on Android also undermines Google’s case when they are pushing for Apple to adopt RCS, and I think Apple should absolutely roast them over this.

Signed a rooted Android user.

All I can say is that has not been my experience and I am curious what exactly people think is slow about it.

I could be entirely wrong, but it seems like some people are conflating benchmarks against current flagships as the day to day experience.

Poor in comparison to what though? I know what the benchmarks say but I don’t really notice any differences between the Fairphone 5 (what I’m currently typing on) or my previous phones (Huawei Mate 10, Zenfone 6, Zenfone 8 Flip) in terms of daily driving (aside from battery maybe). I’m sure there is for gaming, but that’s the one thing I don’t use my phone for.

I only use SMS/RCS to talk to friends and family in text format here in the US.

I have personally had the most luck with SMS Backup Pro. I know it’s on the Play Store and paid, but after having lots of issues with Fdroid apps that supposedly did similar things as well as the OEM phone transfer apps failing it just worked.


Yeah, the lack of an edit feature is the primary issue I have with it.

Have you ever herd of Aves? Kinda the opposite of “simple” in terms of feature set, but can be downloaded from F-Droid and is highly customizable. I really like it’s tagging system/feature.

Right as LoadingReadyRun is getting ready for Desert Bus, so no Checkpoint for two weeks. I wonder if they will cover it when they get back 🤔

Are there any better alternatives? The only ones I’m aware of off the top of my head would be Samsung’s Exynos, Kirin, and MediaTek. From the little experience I have in the space it always struck me as Qualcomm being the least shitty option, not necessarily the best.

Can you elaborate on why? Like, I’m not surprised, I just am not involved in this space enough to know why.

Their whole thing is to do this stuff with Linus. It’s a constant friendly back and forth. Linus will make fun of and trash Dbrand in videos they sponsor, while Dbrand makes fun of him. In a vacuum, this looks really weird/bad, but if you are familiar with the back and forth it very much comes across as two really good friends taking the piss and just having fun.

There is basically no piece of content Dbrand isn’t willing to sponsor with LMG because they don’t give a fuck.

I just saw that a short while ago.

LTT also just posted a video, that kinda reinforces what I was saying before. Linus is very emotionally driven and quite obviously blinded by it. I do think people should both be held accountable AND given the opportunity to learn.

The video was obviously damage control. I still hope something good comes out of all this, but believe it or not I am still pretty cynical about things.

There is a saying I came across when I was quite young that I try to keep in mind when telling my side of any story:

“There are three sides to every story. There is what I said happened. There is what they said happened. There is what actually happened.”

I doubt LTT speaks to Madison’s posts explicitly, but with everything that is happening, I do hope if anyone has experienced something similar that they feel more comfortable and empowered to come forward with their experiences.

Yeah that’s not OK.

I get the impression that Linus is in over his head and reacting in a very emotional way. Kinda reminds me of the channel hack a few months ago, both Yvonne and Luke were literally telling him what was going on and what needed to happen, and his tunnel vision just would not allow him to hear them.

That’s not an excuse. I think there is/should be a price to be paid. In most things I tend to lean towards rehabilitation with a chance for change, rather than retribution and and destruction. It’s a crap situation and I’m disappointed but not surprised.

Oh I’m aware. He has always struck me as very quick to react and slow to introspect (which is kinda inline with not having time to look back like was said in his team’s video). I definitely have issues with some of his philosophies, but on a scale from regular person to Hollywood CEO he doesn’t strike me as actively malicious, just misguided.

Just my $0.02. I understand where you are coming from, just figured I’d proffer another perspective for the sake of discussion.

I’m not sure I would go that far. I largely agree with the GN video, but I would not call Linus a piece of shit. There are a number of things I disagree with Linus about on a fundamental level, but he is still just a slightly awkward nerd with methed up squirrel energy at the end of the day. As Steve notes in the video he is basically responsible for the livelihood of 120 people, I’m sure that puts a little bit of stress on a person. That being said it doesn’t absolve him of what has been happening, and his current path seems deeply misguided.