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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


That works for consumers because they don’t have nothing to lose. Smaller devs will still gravitate towards Unity because the various fees don’t apply to them, but any big studio won’t touch it with a ten feet pole. Immagine putting the salaries of a full studio in the hands of a company that might decide out of the blue to ruin your business model, it’s a nightmare scenario for any CEO! More so when there are viable alternatives

I don’t remember exactly the number of hours, but I’d say less than 5! It’s tied to player level/story progression. You get your first one a couple of story beats after your first mission with a cutscene in it ( the data collection one)

Exoprimal has been my surprise of the year. Really thought it was mediocre after a couple hours in but then it opened up with more game modes, dinos and became way more team focused and fun. The 10 player raids are some of the most fun coop I’ve had in the last years