TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)

Hi I’m Tim.

I’m AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


Is this the fastest video game death of all time? Not even Lawbreakers died this fast.

The Day Before only made it 4 days.

On 11 December, four days after The Day Before launched to widespread criticism, Fntastic announced their closure, stating that as their game had “failed financially” they could not afford to continue operating. The Day Before was removed from sale on Steam later that day.

Reading through that made me feel gross. It does seem to be acknowledged by women in China as a cultural issue (as well as globally online).

Sexism is, and continues to be, a global problem. But the difference, as both Zhong and Monica F. pointed out, is that the Chinese government and overall cultural attitudes continue to actively discourage women and their allies from fighting back. There’s no one telling harassers “no.”

Oh for sure. I do wonder what part the Chinese government takes in shaping the wording of “exports” like this too.

In the conspiracy theories groups China is a hot topic, and I believe this is them telling influencers (who they give a free copy) to stick to the game instead of talking about the country they happen to live in. And I would assume if people stuck to the game few of these topics would be relevant.

Now if an influencer had an issue with say, allegations misogyny at the studio, I would expect them to -

  1. not accept the game from the studio

  2. maybe create content on why they refused the offer of a free game and things they think would need to change to allow them to work with the studio in the future.

For anyone not clicking thru:

In full, the don’ts are:

  • Do NOT insult other influencers or players.
  • Do NOT use any offensive language/humour.
  • Do NOT include politics, violence, nudity, feminist propaganda, fetishisation, and other content that instigates negative discourse.
  • Do NOT use trigger words such as ‘quarantine’ or ‘isolation’ or ‘Covid-19’.
  • Do NOT discuss content related to China’s game industry policies, opinions, news, etc.

I see this as them wanting influencers to focus on their game, instead of using the game as a platform to wade into these other topics that focus on the country they happen to live in. And this being an election year in the US ,and the Right having spread wild conspiracy theories about China for years now, them not wanting any of that stuff to overshadow their art doesn’t seem all that crazy of a take. Basically they are saying they want influencers to talk about the game and to leave politics to /c/politics.

Oh and this is of course only sent to influencers, so just people they are giving the game to for free. The rest of the world (including influencers that buy their own copy) are of course free to do whatever they are legally allowed to in their jurisdiction.

Edit - I just want to add an edit after reading the IGN article someone linked above, that I am not siding with or defending any of the gross things coming from people working at this studio. And I guess this would come down to if people can separate the art from the artist, which I personally struggle with in many instances.

I saw an article earlier today speculating that the iOS emulator might have raised the awareness drawing the eye of Nintendo, Sega, and others.

Edit - Ha! It was this article.

My Atari joystick still works, it’s more my Intellivision controllers. But having a nicer way to play on a modern TV with the original games with higher quality controllers would be amazing.

Two of my favorite consoles of all time. If they could do an updated retro console based on the Intellivision II and allow playing Atari 2600 games without buying a separate adapter I would be in heaven.

I have bins of games, but my controllers did not age 40+ years all that well. 😞

Exactly the opposite. I am 100% behind anyone that has actually played it and has valid concerns, like performance being the big one. I’m only against the pitchfork brigade parroting things that are outright untrue, and has tangible evidence as proof. I do not peddle in, or tolerate, the alternative facts business.

Because I"m not OK with people continuing to spread dishonest information? That is a weird take. The amount of purposeful ignorance to the facts has become contagious around here. I try and point out how none of the shit talking around here carries any water, and somehow I’m the one that should be concerned. I did not realize I had stumbled onto Facebook, my bad. I’ll let you get on with your misinformation farm, you have another election to deny coming up, must be a busy time of year for you.

I just have a problem with people spreading misinformation like a parrot with something they “heard somewhere”. You are basically spreading lies, and when confronted have doubled down on them. Does speaking truth to lies make me the enemy now? Bragging about being uninformed and spreading misinformation does not seem like a great hill to die on personally, but to each their own. You are free to speak your lies, but I will continue to call them out as such.

Mods, is this community about spreading misinformation?? If so I’m more than happy to leave the community, and ban it as such from my instance.

This is misinformation. No “bait and switch” occurred at all. You have to go out of your way to even find the micro-transactions, and then when you do they are useless if you have actually played your way through the game. Reviewers got all of this in detail with their review keys, but adding time into your review to talk about something that is basically an afterthought and has no affect on the actual game seems like a waste of time. These people are all rushing to release content as soon as the embargo is lifted. So putting extra time into a review to talk about something 99% of people will never see does not have a great return on effort.

Worse. Not sure about micro transactions but the dlc was released on day 2 with no prior information or heads up. Truly scum of earth behavior.

These are your words, and have been proven to be false. To continue to double down on misinformation is to argue in bad faith. Also, the fact you didn’t even know the “DLC” is the micro transactions tells me you never even played the game, and are purely regurgitating talking points you heard someone else make. And you are doing so without any fact checking at all. It was also ALL on the store page pre-release, but because you need to go out of your way to even know the useless micro-transactions exist, it got turned into this whole secret conspiracy. And the internet loves manufactured drama, unfortunately.

In the end it’s a loss for anyone buying into the misinformation missing out on a pretty great game that makes this whole thing kind of a bummer. But I guess that is the state of things in 2024, misinformation > the truth.

How many hours do you have in game? Had you played you would know that nothing available is “walled off”. It is actually the opposite, and the stuff is basically useless to buy since you can acquire all of it through a normal play through of the game. No place in the game do you even feel like “oh man, I really need to buy that DLC or else this part is going to be impossible/different/less than/etc.”.

And it’s clear the people getting everyone all riled up about this stuff did not play the game either (or are acting in bad faith).

Honest question since you have clearly played the game for a number of hours. How did the micro-transactions that you needed to go out of your way to even find, and are worthless after having actually played through the game, effect your game play? Was it because nothing in game is affected by them? Or was it that CAPCOM does nothing to push you towards them?

It was the fact that apparently nobody even knew they were their until somebody went out of their way to discover them that has affected my game play so much! How dare they put these useless items available for real dollars that only a fool would buy, and then after doing so only to find out they are useless. It has basically ruined my whole world, I may never game again! The horror! /s

You are the one making a bad faith argument, based on some random stuff you read on the internet. Had you actually played the game you would know that:

  1. The mtx is not pushed on anyone, and you need to go out of your way to even find/notice.
  2. It’s all stuff you acquire in a normal play-through, making it essentially useless.

But go ahead and continue to white knight for the misinformation spreaders, just know that you have been misinformed/mislead and should do a little research before you get out your pitchfork next time.

I’m defending this game because I have actually played it, unlike what seems the rest of this thread has not. I see nothing but misinformation being spread, and when confronted on all of it, you have all doubled down on remaining ignorant because it fuels your talking point of “CAPCOM bad”, “mtx bad”. Where, had you ACTUALLY played the game you would know you have to go out of your way to even find the mtx, and they are next to worthless. It’s all stuff you get in a normal play through.

Your argument is ill informed. The fast travel stuff is all in the game, nothing is pay-walled. And anyone tell you such is feeding you misinformation. It seems a large number of people haven’t even played the game but are ready to get out the pitchforks over stuff they aren’t even informed about.

I also would love to see people that don’t own the game label their post as such so we could see how many here are just going by hearsay from some random information they have read in the past couple of days. I’m guessing the overwhelming majority never even bought the game and have no become a vessel for misinformation white knighting a talking point that doesn’t even make sense.

It is included in every version of the game. And it is clear you are arguing a point you are not even informed about, joining in the misinformation spreading about a game that is actually pretty fun to play.

Posted this in the other thread also.

In the interest of clearing up this continuing deluge of misinformation, I think cowboy at the end of his stream today said it better than I did earlier today. Plus he is likely to know more than anyone here as he had completed both endings before release with his advanced copy.


How many hours do you have in game? If you have played any you know this is all made up drama and everything is in game, and the mtx that everyone has their pitchforks out for isn’t even forced on you, you need to seek it out to even find it. And then when you do find them it’s not worth the money VS just getting the stuff in game.

And I’m not going to standby while people spread misinformation, and you have found yourself on the wrong side of the facts.

In the interest of clearing up this continuing deluge of misinformation, I think cowboy at the end of his stream today said it better than I did earlier today. Plus he is likely to know more than anyone here as he had completed both endings before release with his advanced copy.


I saw it as a way for people that didn’t want to shell out $10 for the next SKU up (Deluxe) to just buy the pieces they wanted. The items this guy was crying about not getting in his free copy should not have been labeled DLC though, as that clearly gives people a false sense of what they are. I have also read of several mods already that can dupe and add things into the game negating the need for a crack, unless you are looking to rid the DRM specifically.

It’s bonus items from the Deluxe addition, nothing is “paywalled off”. It’s the same as any other game with more than one SKU at release. This guy just feels entitled to something and so he cried about it his review, and the internet is standing up for his entitlement, you apparently included. Funny how everyone is upset they didn’t read, and are standing with the guy that got free stuff and apparently didn’t get enough so he is throwing a fit about it. So stop defending entitled assholes, we should be naming and shaming them.

That kit is part of the Deluxe edition, or $2.99 if you want to buy just it without the other bonus items. I think calling it DLC is a stumble by CAPCOM, but this guy has made a whole lot of drama out of his entitlement over not getting items from another SKU with his FREE pre-release copy of the game he finished in advance of release.

EDIT - Words are hard (spelling).

Anyone that reviews a game in advance of release knows they are playing a different game than the release version. The guy in the article even stated they told him exactly what he was getting, but he didn’t READ it. Then afterwards felt entitled to those things in another SKU and so wrote a hit piece that everyone, that also didn’t look at the store page, is now all fired up about.

EDIT s/did/didn’t

This is exactly like any other version of a game that comes out with more than one SKU (bonus items). Only this time the guy that got it for FREE in advance wrote about how he didn’t understand he wasn’t getting bonus items. He then writes a hit piece stating even though he didn’t read, he should be entitled to those items because he didn’t know about them, even though he didn’t read (and his copy was in advance of release and FREE). It’s basically a story of entitlement, and how a reviewer has created a non-story over his.

Can you read? Serious question. There was no “bait and switch” for anyone. Nobody was sold anything and then given something else. And the reviewer in question would have known exactly what they were getting, and what was available, but stated in the article they didn’t READ anything before completing the game. Then they put out a click-bait article and everyone is coming out with pitchforks because some dude that played for FREE didn’t get the version he wanted pre-release. That to me reaks of entitlement, and a pretty “asshole” thing to create a hit piece about a game he enjoyed otherwise but is salty he didn’t get a different version with a couple extras to play well in advance of release.

And for the record, I am not OK with entitled assholes like that.

It’s pretty clear that many people here have not even looked at the Steam store page, and are instead falling for the bait for clicks and drama from a reviewer that didn’t read, and is big sad he only got to complete the standard version pre-launch. This whole thing is manufactured drama over something that was right on the Steam page since day one. You want the stuff the guy cried about in the article, buy the Deluxe addition. Is $10 to much extra, OK, then buy the individual pieces of the deluxe addition extras you want and stop with this fake outrage for a game you most likely didn’t even buy/play anyway.

How can you admit you:

  1. haven’t even played the game
  2. know nothing about the facts

And then claim

But if you’re trying to downplay this whole shit show then don’t, it is very much deserved.

Why is it deserved? Because “someone else on Lemmy” said so? Someone that didn’t read what they were buying and is going along with a clickbait article by a reviewer that had his feelings hurt because the devs didn’t give him the deluxe edition, and instead he only got the standard well in advance of launch? He could have righted his whole “injustice” with a $3 purchase for his stupid camp kit (for a $70 he didn’t pay for), but instead he wrote a whole piece on how he didn’t read anything before completing the game (he didn’t pay for pre-launch).

The “DLC” was available before release day and is just the stuff from the deluxe version but separated out so you can buy just the stuff you want. It has been all right on the store page (not hidden) for everyone to read this whole time. This made up story is from a reviewer that upon completing the game on their advanced FREE copy noticed the dev didn’t give them the version with the other camping kit and created this whole fake outrage.

It’s all stuff that is available in game. This is a bunch of bandwagon people that don’t even have the game crying over this made up drama for clicks.

This looks like it could be fun, but also looks like it’s been in the works for almost 2 decades. It also has no pricing on the site or Steam.


That camp kit comes with the deluxe addition, which they probably are unaware of because they got the game for free. It also comes with one of those edit voucher things as well. I doubt I’ll ever use mine though because they also have an amazing character creator that came out weeks ago that let you meticulously design your character and your pawn. Then when you start the game they are right there as a choice. Something else they probably didn’t know because they had the game so early.

It’s all made up of drama for clicks, and seems to be working.

Why does any game have a deluxe addition? It usually includes more stuff up front. Did nobody read what they were paying for? It’s in plain English right on the store page.

Also seems like a bunch of people who didn’t even buy the game getting all fired up over some manufactured drama from a reviewer who didn’t read what he was getting for FREE. And now he’s all worked up because he didn’t get the deluxe addition for free and needs to pay $2.99 for the dumb camp kit or to buy a portcrystal or rift crystals or whatever.

It’s the stuff that comes with the deluxe edition, only they let you buy each piece individually if you want, which I think is reasonable. This is all manufactured drama by some reviewer that got the game for free and didn’t read anything about it apparently. It’s right there on steam, not hidden in small print in a footnote or something. If people can’t read I think it says more about them than the devs.

It’s exactly the “point”. Nobody is making you buy anything, and the price of the “DLC” items is the difference between the regular and deluxe edition. It’s not like they are charging anyone more for missing out on going deluxe, and if you got regular and only want the camp kit it’s $2.99 instead of the upgrade $10. It all seems reasonable to me, nothing is “pay to win”, and it’s a single player game. If you “cheat” your only ruining it for yourself. Plus modders have already found ways to dupe stuff too.

And I guess if being reasonable instead of crying because a reviewer didn’t read about the game they were given for free, so be it. I read what I was buying and I’m opting out of the made up drama.

It’s all stuff that came with the Deluxe Edition, and was made DLC so it could be bought separately I guess if that’s your jam. Says right below the Deluxe description - “Items in this set can also be purchased separately”, so everyone should have been aware since it showed up on Steam.

This is all much to do about nothing. It’s all stuff you get in the deluxe addition and right underneath says - “Items in this set can also be purchased separately. Please be aware of duplicate purchases.” This sounds like people trying to find a problem where none exists.

The Deluxe Edition includes the base game and the add-on “A Boon for Adventurers - New Journey Pack”.

A Boon for Adventurers - New Journey Pack:

  • Explorer’s Camping Kit - Camping Gear
  • Dragon’s Dogma Music & Sound Collection - Custom Sounds
  • Harpysnare Smoke Beacons - Harpy Lure Item
  • Heartfelt Pendant - A Thoughtful Gift
  • Ambivalent Rift Incense - Change Pawn Inclinations
  • Makeshift Gaol Key - Escape from gaol!
  • Art of Metamorphosis - Character Editor
  • Wakestone - Restore the dead to life! (A)
  • 1500 Rift Crystals - Points to Spend Beyond the Rift (A)