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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Sep 15, 2024


I followed a tutorial meant to bypass Easy: Anticheat for VRchat. I manually defined the hardware names and versions of some of my computer’s components in KVM’s XML code. It wasn’t very difficult and only took about 30 minutes in total, setting up GPU passthrough was difficult though.

I’ve finally banished Windows to a virtual machine, and am gearing up to fistfight Easy: Anti-cheat Rootkit AKA Fucking piece of shit that does precisely fuck-all to stop cheating despite having access to kernel space in order to get Sea of Thieves working on my virtual machine.

Elite: Dangerous, because every time I tab out of the game to check INARA for the closest outfitting or something there’s about a 30% chance of it crashing and becoming unlaunchable until I restart my computer. Hence writing system names down on paper before launching the game.

I use paper because the game tends to crash when I tab out to figure out where I was supposed to go. And then it won’t launch again until I restart my computer.

Anything sensitive is encrypted and I never decrypt it while running windows.

I bought Sea of Thieves about 5 years ago. Recently, they added kernal-level anticheat (which does precisely fuck-all to actually stop cheating). While that is annoying, I’m not particularly worried because the studio that makes that game is owned by Microsoft, and like all Microsoft products, it was banished to my windows partition with the rest of the spyware.

We need to start using this game as a unit to measure mismanagement.

“In total, the project cost us approximately .51 Star Citizens.”

Bloody hell, I spent a little over two dollars buying Elite: Dangerous (a similar space game) when it was on sale about five years ago and haven’t spent any more money on it since. I can’t even comprehend spending 10,000 dollars on an incomplete game.