They specifically said they won’t say anything further than “it will be supported”. That doesn’t mean anything, it’s vague handwaving. Supported how, when the whole dev team has been laid off? What it sounds like is the game has been put into maintenance mode until they finally decide in a year to abandon it.
You don’t need any amount of knowledge over a basic understanding of how Linux works. The system is almost zero maintenance, with only Flatpaks needing you to manually click the update button. The OS comes with everything you need to play games preinstalled, and you can be up and running in about 15 minutes. It also has NVIDIA drivers preinstalled, if you have a GPU by them, and there is a Steam Deck version if you have that, which includes the game mode from the stock distro.
I’m fairly certain that applies to keys a dev requests be generated, so that any Steam keys can’t be sold elsewhere for cheaper than they are on Steam itself. Games that are sold on multiple platforms including Steam can absolutely be sold at different prices. I know, because I’ve bought games elsewhere because they were cheaper than on Steam at the time due to sales.