The company said that it will still have opt-out controls in “select countries” without specifying which ones.
I'm guessing that's how they plan to get around that. They will leave the toggle enabled for people registered in EU countries, and disable it everywhere else. A fairly risky way to handle it in my opinion.
My guess is they’ve been trying to make it cheaper by decreasing the amount of time it spends on each response or by decreasing the amount of computing power that goes into the instance you’re speaking to. Coding and math are products of high-level cognition and arise emergently out of neural networks that are very sophisticated, but take just a bit of power out and the abilities degenerate rapidly.
You’re always both. With Apple, it doesn’t sell your data, but it does sell curated ad space where they use your data to power their tools. While this is less of an invasion of privacy than Google or the atrocity of Meta’s privacy policy, it still exists on a spectrum of how much companies are willing to use your data for extra profit. I’m not saying to not use Apple, hell I’m currently using Microsoft Edge, but I think it’s important to understand that literally every profit-driven company is subject to the same systemic flaws and none of them can be completely trusted.
Honestly, I’m surprised the algorithm doesn’t start with more benign stuff. The best tuned algorithms start with low-controversy popular content, like pictures of cats, then slowly as it learns about the user begins introducing personal interests and rage bait depending on what the user interacts with.
YouTube and Google are unlikely to fall, but when and if Google ever does so will YouTube. YouTube is a money pit and has no competitors because it’s not viable, video hosting is too expensive relative to the money they make from the platform. Google has been seeding YouTube with capital from their own more successful services, but Google’s search engine isn’t nearly as good as it used to be and their cloud and web stuff isn’t nearly as popular as Amazon or Microsoft, so we’ll see.
I'm glad to hear the game's gotten much better! I purchased the game on sale but have left it sitting in my Steam library for a little while, knowing that it is playing much better means I'll move it higher on my playlist.