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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: May 24, 2021


I think ignorance (in the non pejorative sense) plays a big part. I can’t really blame my non technical friends for not fully understanding that ditching Facebook for Instagram doesn’t help. Even if they know it’s the same company, it’s still a totally different product, right? There’s also a certain apathy or need to just get something done.

I’m sure I’ve purchased things at Home Depot that would make a plumber cringe, but I know nothing about that sort of thing and I just need to get my sink working.

Still, I think those of us who do know should continue to lead by example. My friends know my stance on these things and some of them are coming around.

Yup! I don’t have a PS5 but I’d have already bought it on Steam if it was out. Now since I have to wait anyway, I’ll probably just wait for it to go on sale since the hype is gone.

Because Bethesda isn’t being cut out of anything. You still need to buy the original game to use mods. And most mods are made using the official modding tools that Bethesda released (Creation Kit).

I can’t believe this is the first I’m hearing about this. Tribes is one of my favourite games! I hope this one is good.

Sega Dreamcast. It had and IMO still has some of the most unique games ever. Crazy Taxi, Powerstone, Jet Set Radio, the list goes on!

"The global video game business is big but barely growing, Spencer noted to me. One measure, from industry research firm Newzoo, estimates that 2023 game industry revenues were up just 0.6% from 2022. "

So still growth and a little bit more revenue. Total justification for mass layoffs. 🙄

Yes it seems that sometimes you can’t stop an enemy attack. I wonder if that’s by design.

The game certainly isn’t as good as Chrono Trigger, but I’m enjoying it as a nice tribute.

Nice to see someone else who’s favourite game is Chrono Trigger!

Ever play Sea of Stars?

I have an original Deck and I love it! They didn’t make it more powerful or anything like that so I feel no need to upgrade.

The special edition with the orange accents is sexy though!

I feel like that in most games but not in BG3. I do still reload sometimes if I fail a check, but BG3 makes failures fun! It’s rather rare that you’re actually locked out of something, and often times a failure leads to interesting outcomes.

I’m sure there is also a lot that I’m missing and don’t know about, so there’s no sense of FOMO. I really do appreciate that the game doesn’t many things. There’s no tracking that you’re attained 45 of 53 powers, or 237 of 245 hidden biscuits, or that you’re missing that last upgrade point to unlock something cool. I also haven’t come across any annoying skill quests where you have to take down 14 enemies in 12 seconds while hopping on one leg.

Larian has done a great job of writing interesting content for pretty much every outcome, and it’s one of the few games that I feel I will want to replay to see a different side of things. There’s a whole quest line in act 1 that you can only get if you fail a random check. I found that pretty novel.

I misinterpreted the headline and expected a joke article about Epic charging developers who don’t use Unreal.

If you haven’t played it, try Mooncrash too! It’s a great side story to Prey.

I’m fine with it too!

Nexus Mods has had some controversy in the past but they seem generally solid.

We’re fortunate to live in a time where there is no shortage of great games.

Microtransaction season 5 horse armour DLC isn’t fun either, but here we are :(