Sad, but not unexpected. I happened to pick it back up after a few years right about when the first round of layoffs happened. Somebody decided to fundamentally change the game all at once, removing or replacing people’s weapons and gear, and while I think it’s overall good, it pissed off a lot of people who had spent hundreds of hours farming behemoths.
I’ve been playing my last hurrahs, knowing this was coming. Sad that Forte (who bought Phoenix Labs) just let it die like this, but they were never in it to make a good game—just a quick buck.
Hopefully a game like this comes again, someday. They were the first game I can recall that had good crossplay at a time when what was novel.
And the Game Grumps did a playthrough of it.
I wish GOG would get on the Linux train a bit more.
Iirc, they’re the least profitable of the three big stores, so I understand that it might be difficult to devote the resources needed, but given that they have Linux versions of some games, it would be nice if they’d make a flatpak of Galaxy (or maybe they should just give their Galaxy dev budget to Heroic).
Like I said, it ticks the boxes for some people, and if you’re patient enough (pun intended), you can absolutely play for free and still have plenty to do.
I think I put $60 into the game over time, setting that limit intentionally, and I had a good enough time just making use of the free pulls and battle pass. You’ll definitely hit a wall of the end of the content, but they’ve added several things since I last played, so there will likely be plenty to do.
Sidenote: there’s no difference between the two MCs other than gender, so play as the one you think looks the best.
Give Genshin a try, but be warned in advance that they have an “energy” system that determines how much actual gameplay you’ll get to enjoy. It refreshes every 12 hours (without paid boosters), but iirc, they give you some freebie energy boosts in the beginning to get you hooked.
As pretty as the game is, the hours of grind needed to make progress on leveling your characters and gear, and the relative lack of content when your energy gauge is refreshing, made me leave (someone will point out quests, but once those are done, they’re done, and you’ll still need to grind on top of that).
But there’s people who still love it. Maybe you will, too. is my go-to for TWS reviews.
You can get decent TWS buds without paying tons of money. I currently have the Soundcore Space A40, and the battery still lasts for 6-7h after almost two years of constant use (8-10h brand new).
If you’re paying over $100, you’re probably overpaying.
Stop buying Nintendo games. Vote with your wallet. Send them a message that this isn’t how to win over customers.