Your partly right in that bitwarden was interfering but while I can get sky WiFi to work with private dns it still cuts off my mobile network which is 3.
Now that’s not completely as bad as it sounds because I use WiFi calling a lot at home .
Ive seen the same issue in the past with virgin which even cut of my home pcs if I tried to use a dns that wasnt theirs.
My phone works perfectly until I enable it and I’ve tried a few different dns options with it and yes even use the longer domains designed for it.
Never had my phone work at all while they are On sadly I think it’s been blocked by these isps honestly.
its a nothing phone on Android 13 and here’s proof enabling it takes me immediately offline
I am afraid the UK isps Virgin, three and Sky have blocked me completely from trying to browse anything at all if I try to enable this setting at all.
IF I enable it on any of them I have no Internet at all. Sucks but in the UK it’s basically turning off you’re Internet. I still have an older version of blokada working but when it updates it kills my Internet like the rest of them so I’m constantly fighting that.
I’m using the Nothing icon set bought it because I also have the Nothing phone 1. It suits the phone obviously but it lacks so many games and things, I couldn’t really recommend it at this point I put in icon requests months ago and have seen no difference at all.
Best I can do at an uploaded image as I haven’t figured lemmy out yet
Might be a UK thing maybe but nearly everyone I know has switched to another sms app or turned off Rcs chat in messages.
I’ve never seen it work most times you’d send a message then be told about a day later it was undelivered. Sms needs to be instant waiting hours before you even know it wasn’t even sent is just plain unacceptable especially when nearly everyone has unlimited sms to begin with.
Sony did this to me I’d bought quite a few vita games digitally. Left it alone a few months and then saw an email where they said to keep the account log in now. Tried to log in but they’d already wiped it.
Not falling for digital again.