I agree with the other poster, I’ve really enjoyed Hogwarts Legacy.
And I find the gameplay to be pretty good; the combat can be approached in multiple ways due to spell variety, there are a decent variety of puzzles to do (though some only become accessible fairly late in the game), and I enjoy the different side stories throughout the game. Also Hogwarts castle is gorgeous, and lots of fun to explore.
Games have gotten vastly bigger and more complex, bugs are going to happen with that being the case. And quality has not gone down, old games had tons of bugs, and without patching available you were just stuck with them.
Go replay the Lion King on SNES, and tell me it’s as good as modern AAA games. Nostalgia goggles have blinded you.
It was the same price as every other game, it was only really buggy on old consoles (which it should never have been released on), and they got patches out very quickly to sort out the bugs and issues on PC. And there were plenty of new concepts in the netrunning and biohacking areas of the game. Plus it has a massive story and tons of content.
You should try actually playing it.
Also I still run windows 10, so could be different operating systems.