Usually that affects businesses that either provide an online service, so their costs spike massively, or are selling physical objects where demand so far outstrips supply that customers leave entirely for something else.
A single player / selfhksted multiplayer game like this is much less vulnerable to those aspects.
I don’t remember the full scenario cause it’s been a few years, maybe it was trying to get a free game, maybe it was trying to buy something. But it was an incredibly frustrating experience and I haven’t opened epic launcher in a few years partly due to it, I know there wasn’t a cart at the time though, which while maybe not the most inconvenient was really fucking weird.
Epic games made their store UI so bad that buying games on it initially was actually frustrating and difficult. It might be better now, but at the time you had no shopping cart and had to go through about 10 menus to purchase anything.
Steam lets me add many games to my cart, and then 2 pages later I’m installing them.
Most of his followers are probably terrible people too.