Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 22, 2023


Tom Hardy was doing a Splinter Cell movie?

I have a PSN account. Have been playing almost exclusively console for years up until recently. On PC now and I’d honestly rather to never have to use that damn account again. I don’t trust them. They screwed me over so many times with my PS+ stuff, charging it or not charging it whenever the hell they wanted. Nevermind the leaks Sony. Pass. The argument of multiplayer games I can kinda sorta see when everyone and their mother has an account but not when it’s a single player game.

Speaking of, if anyone wants to buy a Playstation account with 267 games for like $200 then I’d be more than happy to hand it over. I like food, my cat likes food, and don’t I give a shit about Sony

Wait that entire thing was just an open beta? That you could spend money on?


I want to like this game but I keep making stupid decisions and being so confused at the start that I just gave up. The game is fun but doesn’t do a fantastic job at explaining how to get going.




heavy metal plays while a group of Astartes hose down a wall

Finally completed the Ada DLC for Resident Evil 4. Was way more fun than I expected it to be. Immediately did a few more runthroughs, including a professional, and am now prepping for an S+ runthrough of it.

Also started Alan Wake 2 but that thing starts really slow and have to get into a mood for that. I ended up backing out and going back to Baldurs Gate 3. I think this thing just has me permanently hooked now.

Fucking same. My friend told me two days ago the open beta was out and that’s when I discovered the Feb 16th launch date.

It felt like a f2p game. I play a decent amount of Star Trek Online and spend some time with some other free games. SnB has the same unpolished vibe. Like you’re seeing the framework of the entire game with posters hung over holes in the wall

You mean the company who sided with China and attacked it’s own players also won’t give a shit about its employees when they have them in a contract? No… Say it ain’t so…

This is horrible but I am not sure why this dude is surprised or took Blizzard at their word. Not to mention how insanely naive you have to be to keep doing the job without written confirmation. If the terms didn’t show up that Friday he should have stopped immediately but he kept going for 3 months???

I feel bad for this dude and fuck Blizzard but that seems like something that really should have been a massive and obvious red flag.

Been playing the closed beta and I know it’s a beta but the game releases in 7 days. Not a whole lot you can do in that time.

The game is still really unpolished and feels jarring. The opening section has you in a rather large vessel but the thing turns on a dime. Only water craft able to turn like that is a jetski and even that didn’t have the super tight turning radius this thing did. There was also no time in turning. It felt really jarring, especially when Black Flag did it so well.

The voice acting of the characters you start with is extremely uninspired. I don’t blame the actors but the director who decided this was okay. It’s so jarring and disconnected. Characters aren’t even consistent on pronunciation of simple things.

The combat is hyper simplistic. It’s just hold left trigger to aim and then hold right trigger to fire. A quote I said to my buddy while playing was “Huh. My pirate ship is fully automatic.” The cannonballs just kept firing more and more until I needed a reload, then more and more. Everything is bulletspongey and nothing visually seems to change or update to sort of reflect the damage that you’re doing. Most vessels you fight against have multiple giant red boxes where the helm is located and those boxes are explosive and almost guarantee a one hit kill. It just feels so basic and simple and boring. When you complete the opening battle and get your own small craft, you start getting attacked by sharks who are leaping out of the water to attack the boat. Not you. The boat. Because that makes sense. And you have to attack and kill the sharks by throwing harpoons at it, also super simple point and click. Think the fish fight in Resident Evil 4 Remake or even RE4 OG.

Walking around on the ground is painful. You can’t sprint, for a start, and the character will either keep walking for another few feet when you stop or suddenly stop. This leads you to getting used to the trail so you stop preemptively and end up 5 feet away from the thing you need to do, forcing you to start walking again and that animation is also way too long.

One of the locations you have to go to at the start is called ‘West Island’. I’m sorry but how simple and boring do you have to be at the start of the game to just lazily call it West Island because it’s in the west?

This game is awful. It’s a patchwork disaster which is only made more concerning by that article saying that the third creative director just left the game before it even launches.

It’s why I love actors who’ve done voice over work. Like most of the Star Trek cast has in one form or another, whether thats for Star Trek Online or another game entirely. All of them saying that it was mind numbing work and it drained them but that they now have enormous respect for people who do that.

While most people look at Critical Role and just go “oh it’s easy!” as if you aren’t spending 4 hours doing exertion noises for climbing fucking stairs.

I occasionally record readings and narrations of dumb things on Mastodon but they’re usually just super quick. Like so quick that I don’t even bother fucking with noise reduction or anything. Just get bored and go “I LIEK THIS POEM”

I’ve been trying to figure out a deadened set up for a while. My closet isn’t big enough as a gay man, no. I’m not going back in. I need one of those lil curtain thingies that create a dead space.

But yeah I agree. Resident Evil 4 killed me for that. So many of the characters sounded amazing and then Ada just stuck out like a sore thumb. I don’t mean because of a poor performance or anything either. I wasn’t totally happy with it but I blame the game director for that, not her for doing what they asked of her. But everyone else was done in a professional set up and her quality is NOTICABLE different. It fucked up the entire DLC for me and I haven’t been able to really enjoy it.

Doing voice acting and then hearing all the ways people mess up in stuff is astounding. Not that I don’t, mind you. I’m not perfect. But my god do you notice all the major errors in every game out there once you start working a bit in the field.

Because voice actors are not considered real actors by SAG-AFTRA. Despite the fact that doing voice over work is typically far more grueling than being in front of a camera. I’ve never met a VOA who wasn’t looked down on by other SAG members. Even by fucking extras. “You just stand in a booth and read lines.”

This is the one career I wanted to do something in. I started voice acting years ago.

Honestly just seems so pointless lately. Half the time voice over artists are not even recognized or even paid a decent amount. Now they wanna just copy and paste our voice.

I’m tired.

Warhammer 40k Darktide. Love my lil sexy Zealot. Always looking for new people to play with by the way…

World of Warships. Started jumping back into that recently. I dunno why but it’s weirdly peaceful and relaxing for me to play. Might be because I grew up sailing on the ocean due to living on an island.

I do have Alan Wake 2 that I really need to play but I’m also playing Control and Alan Wake 1 at the same time to prepare for AW2. It’s… a lot. But Control I’ve played a half dozen times and will always love. Alan Wake 1 I’ve never actually played but after learning of the shared world in Control I have been meaning to get around to it. Enjoyable so far but I’m barely into it.

Then there’s also God of War Valhalla on the side. Always fun as fuck. Free DLC too. What’s not to love?

Oh and Slay the Spire. Silent go brrrrrr.

About as surprising as BG3 winning game of the year. Call of Duty just endlessly prints money. Even when they underperform they make bank.

Considering I just posted something to the gaming community asking to play Elden Ring with someone… yeah. I’d also like to know the answer to this.