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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I was on board with MK since trilogy, the ps2 era was the best for pushing the envelope and now I expect more from them. I want to play the chess game, the karting, create a fighter, actual story konquest. The works.

The lean into online sucks too

Heey, I have been doing the same. Sick of all of the manufacurers to be fair. I mostly buy the games seocnd hand too because publishers suck, last ones I supported were IOI and if they push always on internet connection in the 007 game I will pirate it.

Doesn’t even make it worth mentioning when listing the crimes of current day Russia.

As someone out of the loop here, what does this mean here? Was it over powered?

A scientist in Goldeneye was called Doak. The scientists were named after the creative team, I wonder if it ks the same guy.

Now I dont know where I got te factoid though

AC is balls.and Ubisoft had its lunch eaten deservedly. Mirage was decent but it had the same physics issues that AC 2 had.

They killed a decent story and franchise.

Im guessing its differentiated on te basis that neither new entry supported the previous’ titles or peripherals. It is more an iterative improvement than a new console

Its a shit feeling tbh, I feel the whole industry is sliding in the wrong direction.

I turned on Hitman the other day and midway through a playthrough I got booted for loss of connection. It is a single player game. Finding it harder and harder to have a positive enough view to purchase games.

Oh man same for ps5, major let down. I let my psn lapse and I am just playing mostly games that were available on ps4, except now I have a shittier looking homescreen.

Still kills that I have a 1gb/s internet and a great TV but the playstation store shows ads in 120p.

Over the years I have accumulated subs that I dont necessarily want to give up on but no longer enjoy their direction as much. There is also a feeling tat if they are not in my subs I wont find the older content I love. A bit nostalgic I guess.

God youtube homepage sucks now, subbed to this guy for so long and he never shows up. I axtively search for him and it never gets the hint. It just shows random videos from a decade ago.

There was no licensing with any physical media I bought. It had the FBI thing and a piracy thing but my country isnt obligated to enforce that. They were legitimately sold in my country with no mention of a license.

Only recently, like ps4 times have I had to tck a box when playing a game.

How do you figure that? I can go dump my N64 cartridge and play it on my PC. I can pass on my DVDs and vinyls until their materials degrade.

I have 1000mb and absolutely do not prefer to download my games. Mostly because it is licensing not purchasing.

Literally only bought Nintendo for Mario for twenty years. Before that they were competitive consoles so it was a preference thing.

Why would we care about this. Seems like it is unimportant

You’re right, people put up with him for too long.

Some supermarkets in Ireland have announced immediate removal of brands associated with him.

They will probably have it all online, cloud etc.

Which, given they actually have competition in the market, might mean they price competitively.

They suck, next GTA is going to be fine but not worth the excessive wait.

Online ruined it all.

Buy a ps4, you basically have a ps5 then.

Seriously dont bother getting this, very few games are exclusive to the ps5 and it is a fairly boring and frustrating experience.

It makes sense in the context of how scalpers thrive. A surplus is normal, a shortage is what they rely on and the lack of these shortages has impacted them.

It also helps SEO when people search ps5 pro shortages.

The drive is an add on, base ps5 has a uhd already… i think.

Both versiins have their own drives.

I just got it, cant say it is even 70 bucks worth of fun. Spend more time as Miles and Peter on a bike or watching cut scenes than I do as spidey.

The most upsetting thing is that they threw out anything resembling a decent narrative to draw out the series with diminishing returns. We never got closure on the templars and modern storylines are ignored now. We could have had closure and then just had everything in animus after.

So they knew it needed more time and only held it back because everyone else knew it too and there were discussions around their frequent releases of poor quality cookie cutter games.

It is going to be a stealth unfocused game where Rayman has to get to towers to uncover the map. Alternatively you can use the local currency of each world to buy maps.

We have one shop, we dont own the games, unwarranted bans are a thing - locking you out of your games, sales are shit tier and they keep adding advertising and necessitating online.

This seems poor, why get this console it isnt hitting the bar that I thought we were getting with the jump from ps4 pro to ps5 and there are so few games.

If you go over the price of a ps5 pro on a PC, you are likely interested in gaming enough to save the difference by having more than one marketplace, not to mention not be advertised to constantly and have more support for avoiding antifeatures like always online conditions of play.

Pirate it, fuck them it should not require always online.

I have promised myself I wont buy it if it is always online. I got shafted with one of the hitman games not recording my progress because I wasnt online while awaiting a connection in my new house.

It is such bullshit I will learn how to pirate and play it that way.

Nintendo suck though, their main console was so underpowered they couldnt run AAA games natively, their store is the biggest example of shovelware ever, like early days play store. Nintendo charge ridiculous money constantly for everything from peripherals and accessories to decade old ports. Speaking of ports they are overly reliant on them because their library is lacking. This is before we get into their build quality issues.

They are not a saviour, I appreciate they dont chase trends like AI and such but they will always fuck users when they can.

Yeah they get reamed on roaming, speeds and data caps on top of it. Its crazy.

They be like “we earn more” and then also have to pay 12000 for medical insurance, 1000 for terrible internet and then a host of localised taxes.

I was just talking about farmville the other day, howbmassive it was. Feel like it was an early example of this

Hate when this shit is pulled, wonder if it om the pro. Imagine paying pro prices for unstoppable ads.

This is also directly targetted to people giving additional money. If you are connected to the internet you are likely, or previously, a subscriber. If you are not paying a sub you are more likely to disconnect and not be affected.

AC in narrative meeded closure in modern times, where I hoped AC 3 or 4 would be. Cool that happened.