Since you and the other g*mers are frothing at the mouth acting intentionally dense:
Find your own answer.
Consoles have been seriously struggling to run anything past 30fps blurry messes for the past several years. It’s real bad on that side of the fence.
Although PC gamers aren’t much better off, having to buy $900 GPUs every year just to run the latest AAAA blurfest at 30 FPS with AI frame gen on top of upscaling on top of interpolation frame gen.
I genuinely don’t know how anyone who played Starfield could willingly give Bethesda more money for another game. I didn’t even get to the procedurally generated part before quitting.
I also only lasted 5 hours in Diablo 4. I normally play very curated high quality games and finish what I start no matter what, so this was a huge shock to me having two unprecedented flops back to back.
tldr fuck gaming I’m touching grass instead
Additionally, everyone speaks in this insufferable Marvel-tone full of cheeriness and quippiness. The characters speak and act as if they’re aware they’re in a video game and never drop the infuriating singsong HR tone.
Ever work with someone whose parent(s) were in HR? You’ll know what I mean.
Maybe this is a gen z thing and I’m just falling behind the times. I don’t know. But the ME3-tier ending really seals the deal. I’ll pay $10 max for this and probably refund in 2 hours, or just get a crack later down the line.
Yea it’s kinda ass.
A 3070FE with no CPU bottleneck should not chug this game at 40fps on low settings with “ultra performance” DLSS at 3440x1440. Do better, devs.
Besides that, your complaints are 100% on point. As someone who had 2700 hours in FF14 before quitting, it’s clear they overclocked the engine to its limits and simply patched together whatever they could.
I called it as soon as they gave the FF16 project to Yoshi-P. He did the best he could with the tools he was given, and the only tool he knows is FF14.
We expect this man to produce a stellar mainline FF game while actively being the producer of the best MMO on the market while trying to finish multiple industry-leading expansions?
Square Enix is yet another example of corporate suicide by deliberate mismanagement. Let Yoko Taro loose, you cowards. Give him FF17 so we can go down in a blaze of glory.
Person with objective personal financial interest in raising prices says raising prices is necessary
Let’s not pretend this capitalist trash take is a valid point. Yes, games cost more to make now.
Did games also sell over 22 million copies back then? And that’s just Steam BG3 sales, not including literally every other platform.
Do you not understand how basic math works?
Like, this is seriously some addition and multiplication 4th grade stuff.
Do you genuinely think games today sell fewer copies than games of the NES era?