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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


It’s this mentality that made me pause on buying one, now that this info has come out imma be looking to get one ASAP 😁 good on ya Valve!!!

Don’t worry devs, by not buying the game I know you won’t waste my time. If I need a batman fix I’ll visit Arkham city.

Pokémon Scarlett and a mobile game called Ragnarok online. Used to play it on PC back in that day on a Korean server with my brother

I’ll give props when they are due, you’re right about the microtransactions not being in either game. Let’s hope that’s something they took with them when they left CDPR

I’m sure it will be a wonderful game, after it’s finished 4+ years after a buggy launch with the micro transactions section completely fine from the get go. And I’m sure they will roll out all the typical excuses for the buggy launch at full retail price. This timeline is getting predictable and boring.

As to be expected from Todd “it just works” Howard 🙄 He has this weird ability to snatch failure from the jaws of success alot of the time.

What Todd Howard is being a dipshit tool again? I’m shocked…shocked I tell you…