How would cheating in a fighter even look like?..Auto combo-ing? Auto reponse?
Generally the cheat will do something like, read the input the server just said you did, and then send a faster move that will beat it. It can be a bit more obvious in SF6 because usually your best move against a heavy attack is a DI (drive impact) reaction, and cheats will be suspiciously consistent and inhumanly fast. Here’s a video from Diaphone that explains how he can tell.
I absolutely agree. I think the time investment is the biggest reason. I can easily shrug off a loss if it only took 5 minutes. It’s much harder to swallow when you feel like you just wasted the last hour of your life. Honestly I don’t know how to fix it though - the farming and leveling is kind of baked into the formula. You can speed up the process like Heroes of the Storm did but it’s going to feel like a “lite” version of the original.
At what point does the AI just write the script, build actors and environments for it, “shoot”/render the movie, advertise it, and send it out without any human interaction? Will the movies of the future just all be animated? Would definitely be far cheaper than buying equipment, paying staff, and renting locations.
Since you mention it, here is the same guy using it for perfect parries and jump-ins as well.