  • 6 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


ain’t no chance im doing that wehn monsterhunter wilds just released

no need to change when you already know your tactic will work, but you just lack the skill to execute it

buddy as if anyone on here would care about copyright infringement. i guarantee you 90% of users on here pirate all their stuff

JBL headphones, James DSP and Root
so, JamesDSP needs root or it isn't able to modify Spotify sound. why is the JBL headphones app capable of modifying all sound without root? i assume it is actually modifying the sound with the headphones firmware, so is there a way to like apply JamesDSP without root? like any way at all?

no AdBlocking taking place, Whatsapp works just fine with a locked bootloader.

i really hope this will work, as that seems to be the easiest one, although i already tried all that and kt didn’t work (as “documented” in one of my previous posts)

i am asking this as CalyxOS and GrapheneOS support locking the Bootloader, so i thought surely it must be possible to make a rom that has magisk included and can relock the Bootloader

Rooting and locking boot loader
are there like any ROMs that Support being rooted and still lock the Bootloader? i have tried LineageOS and CalyxOS but neither of them worked, Lineage just refused to lock, and calyx startet bootlooping with the Message "no operating system found" better yet is there any ROM that comes pre-rooted? cause i need a locked Bootloader or otherweise WhatsApp (which i unfortunately need) wont work, but coming from a rooted rom, unrooted android is unbearable

i got it from aurora at first, then i had this problem, i went to their Website, got their apk, still the issue persisted. i honestly dont know what the Problem could be. im gonna try to install microg later and see wether this helps

this seems to work as a temporary fix. thank you

sadly this has the same issues

no i didn’t, as that would defeat the whole reason why i use LineageOS in the first place. if it wasnt for work and family/friends i wouldnt even be using WhatsApp. however i really doubt that this is the issue, as my old phone didn’t have gapps either and it still worked

WhatsApp just wont work
i dont know if this is the right place but its the best chance i got. Phone: Pixel 8 pro Os: Lineage OS 21 (Magisk 27) i keep getting the error "you need the official app to log in" but i have the official app. like literally the apk thats on their ***own damn website***. i tried Everything, hiding Magisk, setting up deny list, installing Bootloader spoofer, safetynet fix, play integrity fix, Even backing up the data from my old phone, which keeps me logged in for 5 minutes before i get a "verification expired" messege. like at this point im out of ideas. the crazy thing? on my old phone (pixel 6a, Lineageos also rooted) it worked from the very start, without any of the above fixes. please, is there any way to get WhatsApp working in rooted LineageOS? here a Screenshot of the error ![](

Easy APP backup?
Is there an application or method with like ADB or something that can easily make backups of my apps to transfer to another phone? i dont care about configs or having to login again, but reinstalling everything is a major bother. Bonus points if it applies my home screen and QS-Tile Layouts. But thats just a nice to have. Old Phone: Google Pixel 6a (Lineage OS, Magisk root) New Phone: Google Pixel 8 Pro (Lineage OS, Magisk root)

If you want to use a custom rom, i can recommend pixels. Basically every custom rom is first and sometimes only available for pixel. I myself have a pixel 6a with lineageOS and magisk for root. Works fine apart from expected problems of tinkering with normally locked down files (be careful with ui customisation, got into a bootloop cause i wanted to change my quick tiles. Luckily easily fixed by deleting the settings folder of the app)

Edit: The app i mentioned was iconify which has a guide on what to do when bootlooping because of the app. (Need adb for that tho)

You could try to flash a generic android image, although it seems like those have degraded in quality judging from the linus tech tips video that mentioned this

That i see enemies. On larger maps i run around for a minute only to get killed from behind or something. On shipment there are only so many places an enemy can be. Also it’s a good map to run melee on.

I just have none at all

However i have a recovery phone number and gave them my payment information so theres that

Be careful when using iconify. I got stuck in a boot loop for changing qs tile look. Although it was an easy fix. i just had to remove the directory in which the changes where saved

Im just gonna be direct. If you cannot understand that chart you severely lack understanding of context.

If you just look at 3 pictures in one row and read the text you should easily be able to understand what the chart is about… That’s like 10 year old logical thinking, if not even younger.

is there a way to hide the battery saver?
Specifically i want that the baterry icon in my status bar doesn't change color when the baterry saver is on. I have a rooted phone with magisk and lsposed if that helps. (My reason for that is that the color doesn't fit with my theming but i need the battery saver to keep my phone from dying throughout the day)

apps for rooted phone
Doese anybody have any app recommendations for a rooted phone with lineageOS? Things like: A proper file explorer A terminal if possible And apps in general that you can't use without root (i.e. power saver tuner(although it's possible without root))

That actually made me understand it fully. thanks!

You put me into a rabbit hole to wich I can’t find the answer… that being what are the physics behind tacking