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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


It’s super dorky but I had a blast with SkyVoice - use your mic to say the shouts! It made the shouts way more fun and got me to use them more since you don’t have to go through the menu to equip a shout before using it.

There was a macro mod I paired it with that let me make voice macros - pick a word and key binding, then in game set the binding to whatever you wanted the voice line to do. Unfortunately I don’t remember the name of that mod, just wanted to point out that SkyVoice can do more than just the built in shouts

Officially, the military does not recruit anyone under age 17. In this case, “recruit” means the formal process of signing a legally binding agreement to enlist. The military does, however, advertise to and interact directly with minors for the purposes of military recruitment.

Grooming. Non-sexual grooming. Just wonderful.

Exact same boat! Pass me an oar

At this point I only check in on the status of book 3 like twice a year.

I recently got back into HK and finished it finally (NKG is sick) so I can’t help but check on Silksong every week. Any day now we’ll get news… 🤡

My group just tried Pf2e this past weekend, highly recommend! It’s so much better

Assuming it’s the same they do in Warframe, it’ll only be cosmetics that are only available with the premium currency. The premium currency is also tradeable, so F2P can get it without spending

The gameplay they showed near the start of Tennocon looked really intriguing game world wise. DE is fantastic at world building so it should be a treat!

And it’ll be free to play so nothing to lose trying it once it’s out