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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


It’s extremely 2020s brainworms that there are two different proprietary standards for device trackers, and licensing constraints forbid a device from supporting both.

500w TDP Vs 360w on previous generation - cooling this thing is going to be fun

A well built power supply will have a current limit on the connector to prevent the cable melting problem, but that means if you have a card that needs 200w, but only power it via 1 connector you are going to run into problems

We would like to apologise for any unpleasant experiences or doubts caused by the miscommunication of these terms

We are sorry we got called out

Because accountants mostly.

For large businesses, you essentially have two ways to spend money:

  • OPEX: “operational expenditure” - this is money that you send on an ongoing basis, things like rent, wages, the 3rd party cleaning company, cloud services etc. The expectation is that when you use OPEX, the money disappears off the books and you don’t get a tangible thing back in return. Most departments will have an OPEX budget to spend for the year.
  • CAPEX: “capital expenditure” - buying physical stuff, things like buildings, stock, machinery and servers. When you buy a physical thing, it gets listed as an asset on the company accounts, usually being “worth” whatever you paid for it. The problem is that things tend to lose value over time (with the exception of property), so when you buy a thing the accountants will want to know a depreciation rate - how much value it will lose per year. For computer equipment, this is typically ~20%, being “worthless” in 5 years. Departments typically don’t have a big CAPEX budget, and big purchases typically need to be approved by the company board.

This leaves companies in a slightly odd spot where from an accounting standpoint, it might look better on the books to spend $3 million/year on cloud stuff than $10 million every 5 years on servers

Because Google is great at naming things, you might be getting confused between a few distinct products:

  • Android Auto lets you tether your phone to your head unit (via USB cable, some units support wireless connections as well), and access cut down versions of some apps on your phone via the head unit - it’s pretty common on first party units on late model cars, and has the advantage that you don’t need a data plan (it uses your phone) and don’t need to keep your phone and your car in sync - everything is running on your phone directly. Apple has an equivalent called CarPlay
  • Android Automotive is a special version of Android designed to run directly on head units - it’s licensed to OEMs and usually skinned to match the manufacturers branding. I’ve never seen Android Automotive in the wild (it’s only available on first party units for some specific model cars), and I’m not really clear if you can install arbitrary Android apps or not
  • Some after-market head units come with Android installed (they are essentially tablets in a head unit form factor with the appropriate I/O connections on the back) - depending on how professional the manufacturer is, they might brand this as “Android Auto”, even though it has nothing to do with real Android Auto. These typically will never see an update, and probably don’t meet the IP as specifications they claim. You can typically install whatever apps you want, but make sure you understand your local laws, where I live having a screen playing video “within eye line of the driver” will get you a fine and points on your license, so playing YouTube while driving is probably a great way to have an awkward conversation with highway patrol

it wasn’t an engineering decision

It’s ok, we all need a wetware update every so often

x86 is deprecated in AOSP, iirc x86_64 is supported (the official SDK emulators are x86_64) but you will probably run into plenty of apps that don’t ship native components compiled for anything other than ARM.

You might have a hard time selling the buds at or near MSRP cos I suspect a lot of people will be doing the same

Can’t sell Google Drive storage subscriptions if everyone has tons of storage on their device

All I can say is don’t buy the Sony wf-1000 series. My XM4s are in for warranty repair for the second time in 6 months.

I thought I was in “!android” not “!IHateApple”.

Whatever you think of Steve Jobs, Android is better off for having competition

x/y problem - what are you actually trying to achieve? Do you need help with will power and stopping yourself installing certain apps? Does you kid keep installing TikTok on your work phone? Are you worried about state mandated surveillance software?

Who are these masochists using their cars built-in infotainment system?

… what are these apps? The GitHub project readme for Island doesn’t actually say what it does

They mostly have, the only places you are likely to stumble across them are Stingrays/ISMI catchers.

$10 says this is Pixel exclusive, cos you can always count on Google to shoot themselves in the foot whenever they come up with a good idea

Since never, unless you live in the corporate hellscape - most sensible parts of the world have regulations about this, but I guess not being ripped off is un-american or something?

But why though? What does an app get you that you can’t get by pinning the site to your home screen?

Personally, I feel like Reddit has made it very clear that that don’t want me on their site - fair enough, it’s fully within their rights to do that

Obligatory fuck spez. I wish you every misfortune.

On the up side, I’ve read the main 5 Foundation books in the last few weeks with time I would have otherwise been spending in Reddit and I’ve just about broken my record for “number of days since a total stranger called me an asshole”

I’ve not read the actual legislation, but it sounds like you could be compliant with these rules as long as it’s theoretically possible to replace the battery with a screwdriver - manufacturers wouldn’t have to go as far as old-style swappable batteries that you just pull out and plug a new one in.