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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


Gran Turismo 7 pulled the same shit. I’m still pissed about that one. Plus the lack of single player content basically means I haven’t even played the game since shortly after launch. The grind without mtx is crazy boring.

Jedi Survivor is a great example of developers truly having passion for a game and it’s lore, but publisher deadlines completely ruin it’s potential. I enjoyed it immensely once I got it running acceptably (40-50 fps on a 1080ti). There’s a lot to do and a lot of cool details.

No Man’s Sky has had no loading screens during gameplay, and space to planet transitions on full planets, since what… 2016?

The Creation Engine is just too damn old.

Edit @Dark Arc: You’re right. Creation Engine is just too damn shitty, I guess. I called it “old” because the gameplay feels so antiquated.

Looks like they know very well what they are doing. This seems illegal, but we all know they get away with it.

Holy fuck, kids are cringe. I hate this blue bubble elitism so much. Glad it’s not a really a thing in Europe.