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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 09, 2023


For me, i couldn’t reply via notifications until I updated. That’s usually the case for me.

Seriously. We were made to be horny goats for procreation purposes by nature.

Not all but some do. It depends on the developer. I think there is a website that lists which games need to download additional data. Just search for it.

However, any USB-C charger and cable will charge moderns phones. Wether it be slow or fast, it will charge it. Everyone at home has at least one or two sets. Also, laptops that use a USB-C chargers can accommodate phones as well. We’re going in the right direction.

I think the majority of phone users who are or are not tech savvy mostly care about charging and the fact that they can use just about any USB C cable is where we’re finally moving to. An Android user can stop lugging their charger to an iPhone users house and vice versa (not counting extended stay). It should have been this way from the get go is what I’m saying. The fact that USB-C cables are fragmented when it comes to features is messed up, i agree. Not sure who’s at fault there.

Ok fine. What else besides data transfer and charging did you need back then when memory was expensive and data wasn’t that important to have on phones besides phone numbers and text? USB Mini / USB Micro could easily handle data transfer and charging just fine.

Edit: im fine with using any cable, be it 30 pin, lighting, usb c, etc. etc. As long as everyone uses the same cable. Keep it simple, convenient, and reduce extra waste.

Come on man. The talk has always been about apple not implementing the industry standard charging port on their phones. It goes back to the 30 pin days. They just want to make proprietary items for mad profits and milk it until all sheeps wake up.

Oh right, i forgot Mac’s are primarily used for making phone calls, texts, are kept in pockets when traveling, and USB-C is mainstream now so charging is a breeze, but screw iphones ami’rite?

So what? They didn’t implement the port on the iPhone until recently. When did USB-C come out again? …