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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


I remember reading that bosses just scale to the amount of players so my guess is solo is actually solo. This would make the solo or trio only decision even stranger…

Well damn, I had no clue red essence did that. I thought it only unlocked your move set. Never played without it so I assumed that was just the default speed.

Yeah, I hope they change that, too. There were a lot of things that made me dislike IG in Wilds but that was one of the bigger ones.

Ooh interesting, thanks for the explanation. When I played IG the attacks felt slower than what I remember so thought it was that. I could’ve just remembered wrong. Hopefully they do another beta so we can see the changes ourselves.

You can still download and play it. It doesn’t get removed from your library.

About the matchmaking, I don’t know, sorry.