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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


A bit of the selling point for the chromebooks is that it can run a lot of stuff from the playstore. Why called it a cousin.

While posible, don’t forget about the pixel series, Google dipped into hardware. So at least for a good bit they are going to stay the course. Chromebooks are a cousin of android and is something I bet they have support contracts via education for years to come.

Though it’s Google so it’s posible

They were working on it for patches and such. Plus they are probably starting the “next big thing” and having your dev team leave kinda hurts that xp

The issue is more generation is leaned on the less powerful it becomes. To create those stores that you were reading in books it was fed lots of other fantasy and game information, as more of its used the less ‘new’ stuff it can make.

Yes, very useful tool. Not something that can be just thrown in. Has to be part of the system almost from start so that the appropriate ations and and text can be linked (unless it’s reading through save state and or is how the save state is read but that also had to be thought of early)

However, also not exactly what I ment. For instance years ago on doing a replay of Zelda oot left for about a week midday through the water temple. I could not figure out where I was in the puzzle for some time and ended up reseting as much as I could to just re walk through as much as I could. Somethings can’t be pre script written out due to unknown changes or capture what the user thought process is

I am not a huge fan of the “shrine” approach where everything is bite size but that seems to be the idea to make it easer for on the go. If you only have 15ish min of play what’s more enjoyable? Catching up what you did and trying to figure out what’s everything like since you last did things or knowing that this thing here is or needs to be done in front of me and I can continue.

“streamlining” is definitely happening. A lot is to just keep that serotonin going with happy rewards.

1 person I was talking to mentioned it might also be a change because of target. Zelda botw/totk was ment to be played in short burst while on train or a quick shrine or so before bed. Thus the bigger puzzles and things that requires a longer play (to avoid the wtf what is happening when I played yesterday question) are being phased down

At least on pc over over the option and it will show what your roll will be.

Can’t see the DC till to late but that’s a normal rpttrpg thing